Deleted Vault. How do I get it back?

Community Member

I sync my Personal Vault with Dropbox, and I saw in 1Password that it had a vault on my mac and on Dropbox. So I tried deleting the mac one and it deleted both of them. How do I get my vault back? It was stored in Dropbox so I'm assuming it should still be there? If I click the restore button will it automatically reconnect to my Dropbox like it was and restore it back? We also have a business vault with the business membership. Is it going to restore all those as well?

1Password Version: 7.2.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.2
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martintribe - I'm sorry for the trouble! Can you tell me what you see in 1Password for Mac when you click Preferences > Vaults currently? How many vaults are there, and what are their names? Do you know for certain there are any missing from that list?

  • martintribe
    Community Member

    @Lars the first value is "Olive Tree" which has a private and our main OliveTreeStudios vault. Then below that it had a primary one and a personal one if I remember right. Those disappeared. From my recollection, one said "on my mac" and one said "on Dropbox." The on my mac one, which I think was titled Primary, had a handful of passwords in, that belonged in the Personal vault on Dropbox. So I moved those passwords over to Personal, and then deleted the "primary" on my mac, one. Then just like that both of those vaults were gone. My main OliveTreeStudios vault is still there and working. In my Dropbox, I have a file called 1Password.agilekeychain which, I tried restoring but 1Password didn't like it. Then under my "apps" folder in Dropbox, There is a 1Password.opvault. I tried to reopen that one, as I figured it was the right one, but it just restored about 4 passwords. So I'm a little bummfuzzled where the rest are... When I look under my Dropbox icon to see the most recent changed files, it has some 1password files that were changed right over that time. When I see where they are, it pegs them as listed under the 1Password.agilekeychain file, not under the opvault one, which seems a little strange.

    On my phone, it has the passwords, and it is connected to the 1Password.agilekeychain file, but doesn't have the most recent edits that I had just made before deleting the vault.

    The restore option says it will restore 1175 items, which basically lines up with the combination of the Olive Tree logins, and my personal logins from my phone. So that looks good.

    Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martintribe - thanks for the clarification. I think I see what's going on, but just to be sure I'm not missing anything, I'd like to ask you to create some diagnostics reports, one from each of your devices.



    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics emails before sending them:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. I'll take a look and let you know what I find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @martintribe only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: LRV-95999-435

  • martintribe
    Community Member

    @Lars I just emailed both of them. Thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martintribe - great! We'll be with you shortly. :)

This discussion has been closed.