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Discrepancy in item count between Mac and iOS


  • austingirl
    Community Member

    I am having similar issues. Have had 1Password for years. Converted to membership a few years ago but I think my phone may have still had sync with Dropbox. I have eliminated that setting and my phone and Macbook Pro do not have the same data. I.E. my phone shows 1173 logins while my Mac shows 839 "All Items".

  • Hi @austingirl,

    Could you please check the vault switcher (top left of 1Password) on each device and verify that you do not have a vault called "Primary" on either?


  • austingirl
    Community Member

    There is a Primary vault on my Iphone but not on my Mac

  • That would explain it. If you log in at do you see all of your items? If so please follow these instructions to delete the Primary vault:
    (you can skip the first step since you are already signed in)

    Please let me know how it turns out.


  • Fredneck
    Community Member

    I'm seeing this primary vault issue also with items counts not matching between my Mac and my iOS device. The primary vault exits only on my Mac? Please help, I can't find a way to delete it from the Mac 1password app?

  • Hi, @Fredneck.

    Make sure to move all the items out of your Primary vault before deleting it. Here's how to move the items out:

    Once you've done that, make sure you're in the Primary vault (from the menu bar, choose Vault > Switch to Vault > Primary), then choose Vault > Delete Primary Vault.

  • austingirl
    Community Member

    Where are you? I am still confused because when I turn off the Primary vault on my IPhone, some of my data is hidden.

  • @austingirl

    If you log in at do you see all of your data? If not you'll need to move any items that are not there from the Primary vault to the Personal vault before deleting the Primary vault. The guide Rob linked has instructions for how to move items.


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