Am trying to understand what credit card items are used for other than recording the cc info.

what are credit card entries used for other than recording the cc info? Why can't i use it's entry to go to the website associated with the entry and log in just like a regular log in? What is the meaning of 'Section'? Finally, why can't i assign the category when i log in to a website? A credit card is usually related to a bank or other service where the account is managed.

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: 7
OS Version: w 10
Sync Type: ?
Referrer: forum-search:what is the 'section' definition on credit cards?


  • Hi @hjhermans,

    Thanks for writing in.

    what are credit card entries used for other than recording the cc info?

    For filling in the credit card info when you're shopping online. When you're on a webstore ready to check out, you can select any specific credit card item to fill in most of the details while choosing a specific Identity to fill in the shipping or billing addresses. I can use my home Identity to fill in my home address while using my business credit card item to pay for it and another store, I can use my personal credit card item + my mother's identity to buy something for my mother and have it sent to her address.

    Why can't i use it's entry to go to the website associated with the entry and log in just like a regular log in

    That's what the Logins for, the Login items is for items related to the website specifically. However, credit card and identity items can be used on any sites, so that's why they're in a separate category, so that 1Password extension knows how they will work.

    What is the meaning of 'Section'?

    It's to organize sections of custom fields that you can add to any items you want.

    For an example, I have a Login item for a specific site but I have more information that I use then provided by the default Login template; so I can create a section called Security and add my One-Time Password field to it, in addition to multiple security questions and answers that I need to recall later. I can then create another section called Contact to add the phone number field as well as address info.

    Finally, why can't i assign the category when i log in to a website? A credit card is usually related to a bank or other service where the account is managed.

    The Logins category is specifically designed for filling into websites and Credit Card/Identity are designed specifically to fill in its data on any site that you may use it on. They're designed this way in order to provide the 1Password extension more context by mapping specific fields to specific data such as your address, credit card number.

    The Logins item is designed specifically to look for username/password and it must match the website to protect you against anti-phishing attempts; meaning you can't fill the same Login item on a different site that attempts to look like the original site.

    They're all separate in order to provide additional protections and filling capability.

  • hjhermans
    Community Member

    Thanks for your comments. I don't understand why credit card items have an associated web site if that is not the web site which supports the card. I guess because i don't use a cell phone to pay for stuff I don't understand the use of credit card items. It seems to me that the only time i want to access a web site associated with a credit card is when i want to log into the site that manages the card.
    But be that as it may, why can't a get rid of even displaying the credit card category if i don't use it. To me it is just a confusing item and if i cannot go to the site that manages the card, the item is useless.

    It would be nice to have some documentation explaining what this item is really used for in practice.

  • Hi @hjermans,

    I don't understand why credit card items have an associated web site if that is not the web site which supports the card.

    Which associated website are you referring to, do you mean this?

    The website field within the Contact information of the credit card template is just there to save the address of where you need to go if you want to contact the card vendor. You can click on it to open it and use 1Password extension to fill it in. You do not have to enter anything you don't need it will not be shown in the credit card item like so:

    But be that as it may, why can't a get rid of even displaying the credit card category if i don't use it. To me it is just a confusing item and if i cannot go to the site that manages the card, the item is useless.

    When I placed an order with Amazon, I need to enter my credit card information, I click on 1Password extension and select the Credit Card item to fill in all of my credit card information and then I can finish the checkout.

    Here's more details on how this works:

  • hjhermans
    Community Member

    Thanks for the elaboration. I understand that the web site on the credit card item refers to the website associated with the card issuer. However that is frequently also the site that manages the account. Hence i would expect to be able to log into that site from the cc item. Can the link item be used for that? Not sure what that value refers to?

  • The credit card item can't be used to sign in to the site to manage your card, but that link will open the site in your default browser. Once there, if you have a Login item saved for your credit card account, the 1Password extension will offer that Login item so you can fill your sign-in details and sign in from there. This is actually something I often use that link for myself. I'll be updating something about my credit card and want to reference my account online, so a click that link, it opens my credit card's sign-in page, I press Ctrl + \ to tell 1Password to fill my Login item for that site and I'm in.

    In general, there's a lot of flexibility built in to 1Password items. What information you include will depend on what's useful to you. Just because a field exists doesn't mean you need to fill it out in many cases. If you think having the website saved could be handy, go for it. You'll notice I said I save the sign-in page specifically, but that's just because that's what works for me. I've had teammates and friends who save something else entirely. One friend saves the contact page so they can easily find it when they have a question about their card. Another saves the page that tracks the rewards categories for each quarter so they can easily check if they get bonus points for groceries or whatever that month. I also know folks who put nothing at all there because they don't see the use. Don't let 1Password tell you what to do. Instead, save the info that makes sense to you and that helps you manage things more easily. :+1:

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