1Password Updater stuck on validating

Community Member

I was upgrading from 7.2.4 to 7.2.5, and the Updater seemed to be stuck on "Validating".

I ended up quitting the 1Password Updater. Could I see any potential problems from this? 1Password says it's 7.2.5, and it seems to work for now, but not sure if I screwed up anything up.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @IcyStorm - I'm sorry for the trouble, but I doubt it. I'm not sure what might have caused that glitch, but this is the first reported case I've heard of this, so I'd guess it was a one-off, specific to whatever conditions were present on your specific system at the time. It probably wouldn't hurt to restart your Mac, to give everything a fresh state, but if you do that and don't notice any unusual behavior, I'd say you're probably fine. Especially if you have a 1password.com account, your actual data is redundantly backed up on our servers, so even if you experienced an irretrievable hard drive crash, you would not be at risk of losing your data. Hope that helps, but let us know if you notice anything odd.

  • IcyStorm
    Community Member

    Thanks, @Lars. Will do.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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