I have had 3, 4, 5 and 6. I am trying to upgrade to 7 but cannot sign into account
I am trying to sign up for 7 but my account refers to a key that I must not have save the emergency kit for. I have the key to the 5 but it must be referring to the 6 key as it starts with different numbers. Is there a way to retrieve that key? Is the upgrade cost that much lower than the new purchase for the family? I can just stay with 6 but having trouble adding replacement Mac because cannot sign into account. IOS Mohave.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:unable to sign into account as it refers to newer key
@jethdlr: It sounds like you may be trying to login with a 1Password Account, but you will only have one if you've signed up for a 1Password.com membership. That’s the only way you’ll have a Secret Key or Sign In URL, or be able to access your data through 1Password.com. Otherwise you'd be using 1Password as a standalone app, with a license for a specific version and a local vault, no account.
Where is your 1Password data currently?
As far as cost, 1Password Families starts at 5$US/month and includes up to 5 family members in the base price.