Help. Dropbox and iCloud won't transfer 1Pwd7 app, just 1Pwd7alias & .pif and .opvault files.

Community Member

My MacBook Air and iPhone were stolen while traveling. I'm on a borrowed computer. I downloaded a new copy of 1Pwd7 app but it won't allow me to import the .opvault and pif files I have from home computer, so I'm trying to transfer the 1Pwd7 app from my home computer over Dropbox/ iCloud... neither will copy the app, just an alias. Icing on the cake is, for some reason my master password won't work, but I do have my Magic Key. Any suggestions?

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: os x 10.12.6
Sync Type: iCloud / Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:dropbox turns transfer Application into alias


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dagaz10000! Welcome to the forum!

    Sorry to hear about what happened to your devices :(

    I downloaded a new copy of 1Pwd7 app but it won't allow me to import the .opvault and pif files I have from home computer,

    What happens exactly when you select the Dropbox option when you first launch 1Password? Do you get an error message perhaps?

    I'm trying to transfer the 1Pwd7 app from my home computer over Dropbox/ iCloud... neither will copy the app, just an alias.

    It won't be necessary to transfer the app itself over the cloud. The 1Password app is just the app, your data, as you mentioned, lives in iCloud or Dropbox (or, if you are using a Membership). So when it comes to the app itself, you can just download it from our website.

    Icing on the cake is, for some reason my master password won't work, but I do have my Magic Key.

    Which Master Password is not working? If you have multiple vaults stored in iCloud or Dropbox, each vault will have a separate Master Password.

    If you are using a 1Password Membership instead, is your Master Password not working just in 1Password for Mac, or are you not able to login on either?

  • dagaz10000
    Community Member

    Forgive me, I'm kind of an idiot here. I only have one vault. The 1Pwd7 app I downloaded says "read only" and won't allow me to import my opvault or pif files from iCloud or Dropbox. When I sign into my Account in 1Pwd7 Preferences, it says "1 File found" and when I try to add it to this Mac the dropdown menu wants a Master Password, but it says mine isn't right. I'm lost here.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2019

    @dagaz10000 - I'm sorry for the trouble and the confusion. Stolen devices is a difficult and trying thing to go through. Can I ask: your use of the phrase "magic key" makes it sound as if you may have created a account at some point in the past, is that true?

    If so, you don't need to muck about with OPVault or .1pif files (or you shouldn't need to), as account vaults are synced directly through the servers. However, if you're using a borrowed computer, I'd be hesitant to install my vaults onto it regardless of whether I was using OPVaults from Dropbox or a account -- and I definitely wouldn't download unencrypted .1pif files to a computer I didn't know or trust fully. Can you expand a bit on the current situation?

    1. Do you have any other devices on which you were running 1Password, other than your MBA and iPhone? If so, do you have those devices available to you currently?
    2. Did/do you have a account, and if so why are you referring to OPVault and 1pif files?
    3. If you do have a account, are you able to visit in a browser and sign into it with your Secret Key and Master Password?
    4. Is this computer you're currently using from a source you trust completely, or would you describe this as more "unknown" in security terms?

    I think that's it for now; I may have other questions once I learn what the answers to these are. Thanks!

  • dagaz10000
    Community Member

    Hey, thanks for trying to help. My Mac Mini at home has 1Pwd7 on it, that's where I was trying to transfer the app from and where I got the pif and opvault files, (which is all that would transfer through Dropbox or iCloud)...I thought I could just import them into a new downloaded version of 1Pwd7, but it won't allow me to import. I have my Secret Key and an acct at 1Pwd, but when I try to log in it tells me my email, secret key or master password is no good. I've looked through my Keychain on my iCloud act and can't find the 1Pwd7 master just to make sure it's correct. (I'm pretty sure it is)Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @dagaz10000 - Thanks for the clarification. If you created a account, you would've been required to choose a Master Password for it at that time. The Master Password you chose could have been the same as the one you were already using at the time for your existing standalone 1Password data...or you could have chosen a completely different one. So I'm guessing (and it is only a guess) that you may have chosen a different Master Password for the account, and then also not removed your Primary (standalone) vault. If that's the case, then the 1Password for Mac app would have continued opening with the Primary vault's Master Password, even though the account had a different one.

    What I'd recommend is that you try both the Master Password you have always used on your Primary vault, as well as try to remember what Master Password you might have used for the account, whenever you created it.

    If your creation of the account was relatively recent, then you should have most if not all of your data there. If it was longer ago, then you may have some data in both Primary and in your account that's not in the other one. See if you can try to recover your Master Password for your account, and if not we'll have to work with your standalone data only. Visit in a browser and see if you can get it to work. Let me know if you're successful; I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  • dagaz10000
    Community Member

    Thanks. I tried everything I can think of. (Not sure what you mean by standalone that the opvault and pif)? Any idea why the original 1Pwd7 application won't upload from my mac mini through Dropbox or iCloud? They only transfer an alias of the app along with the aforementioned vault and pif. I've had a few generations of 1Pwd, alway with same password. I'm thinking the only way to get my passwords back now is to have my mac mini shipped from home.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2019


    Not sure what you mean by standalone that the opvault and pif?

    Yes, essentially. Standalone means 1Password data that was created by the local 1Password for Mac (or 1Password for Windows) app, and resides only on your device (or 3rd party sync service you set up, like Dropbox or iCloud), as opposed to data created in a account.

    Any idea why the original 1Pwd7 application won't upload from my mac mini through Dropbox or iCloud?

    My guess would be that it's an executable file (and a pretty good-sized one), but that's outside of what we can assist you with, since what you're experiencing is a function of Dropbox or iCloud, respectively.

    However, you don't actually need the app itself from your Mini, just the data. If you really can't sign into your 1Password account at in a browser, then whatever data you had there will be unrecoverable. But we should be able to get your previous data installed into 1Password 7 for Mac, if you want to do that. Do you trust this borrowed computer? In general, I would recommend waiting until you get home if you're unsure about the borrowed computer, but if you must have access to your data, and you've got a copy of the OPVault file, we should be able to make this work. Let me know.

  • dagaz10000
    Community Member

    I totally trust this computer. Any help you'd provide would be deeply appreciated. Thanks again.
    (just a side note, 1Pwd7 works fine on my home computer and worked fine on my now-gone laptop, so I'm baffled as to why I can't access my account... maybe only 1Pwd knows the correct password, so if I can access this opVault file, I should get my answer.)

  • dagaz10000
    Community Member

    "... but if you must have access to your data, and you've got a copy of the OPVault file, we should be able to make this work. Let me know." Yes to both. I would be grateful to know how to make it work. I'm lost. Thanks again // KB

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Did you transfer your .opvault file to this computer already? If you did, and 1Password 7 is already installed on this new computer, can you try double-clicking on the .opvault file? You should be prompted to enter its Master Password before the vault is added to your 1Password app.

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