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Last Modified... by whom?

Community Member

As all of our clients now use 1Password for Teams, Families, etc., it would be extremely helpful if "Create" and "Last modified" included not only date and time, but who made the change!👍

1Password Version: 7.3b15
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: 1Password


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That's a really cool idea. I'm not sure it's something that 1Password Families could support, but with 1Password Business you can generate reports for this kind of thing. It would be neat to have some of that information as part of the item details though. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  • TonyDennis
    Community Member

    Even better than reports, is that when an individual shortcut says when it was last modified (or created), I frequently find myself asking “by whom?”.
    Dude, enquiring minds want to know!😜

  • Hi @TonyDennis

    While I agree it would be very cool to get this into the client apps... the web interface does actually already show who made the latest modification. :) e.g.

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • TonyDennis
    Community Member

    Well that's a pleasant surprise! It's good to know that there's a way to see this info. Unfortunately, it's extremely rare that I log into the web interface, and in fact teach our clients that they need only go there for configuration changes or recoveries as they'll spend all their time in the apps.
    Since it's available there, would it be difficult to pass that info on to the apps? That would be a significant management benefit since, as noted, that's where we spend all our time.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    Since it's available there, would it be difficult to pass that info on to the apps?

    Like a lot of other things, it's a matter of priorities and developer cycles required. I don't have an off-the-cuff answer (not an accurate one, anyway) about the relative difficulty level of adding this to the various 1Password applications, but we'll certainly pass along your enthusiasm for such a feature to the development team. For the interim, if you really need to know the answer, this method is always available. :)

  • TonyDennis
    Community Member

    Thanks, Dudes! Have an awesome weekend!😎

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You too! :chuffed: :+1:

  • PSH
    Community Member

    Why is it that we can see who modified an entry, but not who created it?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PSH: Probably because I don't recall that it's come up before. What's the use case? I'll be happy to bring it up with the team. :)

  • PSH
    Community Member

    A use case is when someone in a team of people finds a shared entry with a problem, and wants to talk to the creator to find out the details. Eg the entered credentials don't work, they forgot to enter the URL, etc.

    Often the modifier name is enough. That's the name of who created it until someone else edits it. If they have then you lose track of the creator's name.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    @PSH: Thank you for the information!

  • TonyDennis
    Community Member

    Hi guys,
    Any update on this? It's still important and becoming more so as companies implement deeper deployments as they need to easily see who last modified an entry. Thanks!😎
    - Tony

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Not yet @TonyDennis, sorry!

This discussion has been closed.