How can I easily find unused logins in 1PW 7?
I've been using 1PW for several years. By now I have a HUGE list of logins. When scrolling through the list one day (nothing better to do at the time, I suppose) I discovered that there are logins to several sites that have either been shut down (e.g., GateGuru) or that have not been used in a while. Is there an easy way to find these logins, short of a manual inspection? Thanks
1Password Version: 7.3
Extension Version: 7.3
OS Version: OS10.14.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:How to find unused logins
@jther - unfortunately not. 1Password doesn't monitor your Login items to make sure the sites are still active (though Watchtower does monitor for a few other key security-related things). But nothing lasts forever on the internet, so it's a good idea for you to periodically "curate" your Login items. I'll give you a tip that I've used myself: create a separate vault, call it "Archives" or whatever similar name suits your fancy, and move into that vault any items that have either died of natural causes ;) or you simply no longer use for whatever reason. That way, you'll always have the ability to access that data, should you need to for some unknown reason, in the future. You can/should also UN-check that "Archives" vault in the "Show in All Vaults" section of 1Password for Mac's Preferences > Vaults section -- that way, you won't be presented with results from this vault in any searches you do. Hope that helps! :)