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What kind of license do I have?

Community Member

I have 1Password 6, running on my two Macs. "About 1Password says my registration (good for 5 users, on an unlimited number of Macs) dates from 2013.
Apple has just released Safari 13, which won't permit installation of the 1Password Extension from version 6. I'm relatively certain that if/when I update to Catalina, I won't be able to prevent the simultaneous installation of Safari 13. I don't know what kind of license I have, what my options for updating are, and what I'll need to do to preserve my vaults (as well as what I'll need to do as regards my iOS devices.

My synchronization occurs in Dropbox. Apparently I'll need to upgrade to 1Password 7, but I don't know what "flavor" of 1Password 7 we'll need, both in macOS and in iOS/iPadOS

I have a Gen 5 Apple watch (which of course will require WatchOS 6 on order. I plan to upgrade to an iPhone 11 (probably an 11 Pro) which will mean updating iOS to iO3 13. My 2016 4-TB3 port MacBook Pro 15," my wife's 2017 non-touch bar 13" MacBook Pro, and my late 2017 21" iMac (quad core i7) are all running Mojave 10.14.6. For now, I think we'll hold off on updating them to Catalina.

Can you help us with this matrix?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CalfeeRider!

    With all your devices, I think that a 1Password Membership would be the right option for you. With a Membership, you get all the latest versions of the 1Password apps on every device you own, so issues like this will never be a problem anymore :)

    In addition to the latest version of the apps, everything is included with memberships. All the devices you need are included for free, sync happens automatically, backups are taken care of straight away, everything you would expect is there. You get storage for secured documents, item history, watchtower, travel mode, ease of sharing with your family and more.

    I hope this helps! Have a wonderful day :)

  • CalfeeRider
    Community Member

    Trying to maintain a complex ecosystem for my Macs, my wife's Mac, and both of our iOS—soon to be iOS and iPadOS—devices gets more difficult year by year. I think I have an enduring "family" license for 1Password 6 for Mac, but of course that cannot be "enduring" if the mechanism by which 1Password 6 for Mac integrates with Safari is eliminated by Apple.

    Currently, my macOS 1Password synchronization occurs in Dropbox.
    When I obtained my V 6 license, one of the things I needed to do was created an "emergency kit" with a printed "Secret Key" document. We lost our home in the 2017 Santa Rosa, CA wildfires, and I no longer have that "secret key" document. I have v. 6.8.9 of the Mac application, I think I have v. 7.4.1 of the iOS application.

    Assuming I update to v. 7, family membership, for our two accounts (mine and my wife's), is there any significant risk that we'll lose our Password repositories because we no longer have that Secret Key document? Will I need to change my synchronization method (I may well need to do this anyway because of Dropbox's limitation on the number of devices supported by my account type).

    Conversely, because my new iPhone Pro will require iOS 13, is it possible I'll lose the ability to use the current mechanism for using the 1Password app in iOS if I don't upgrade 1Password first?

    Lastly, I've been told that even in 1Password 7, there's an enduring (non-subscription) licensing mechanism available. What are the disadvantages for me of using that class of upgrade, assuming it's available?

    Thanks so much,
    Jim Robertson

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Trying to maintain a complex ecosystem for my Macs, my wife's Mac, and both of our iOS—soon to be iOS and iPadOS—devices gets more difficult year by year. I think I have an enduring "family" license for 1Password 6 for Mac, but of course that cannot be "enduring" if the mechanism by which 1Password 6 for Mac integrates with Safari is eliminated by Apple.

    @CalfeeRider: That's a good way of putting it. Although the license won't expire, it's for the specific version you purchased; and that will not work with things that change in future versions of the OS and browser. You could use another browser which is still compatible, but it's really best to stay up to date with everything, both for security and because other things will continue to change too. It probably isn't feasible to stay "frozen in time" using the same browser, OS, and 1Password versions indefinitely (which is how they could remain compatible with each other) given that technology -- and security -- are constantly evolving.

    Currently, my macOS 1Password synchronization occurs in Dropbox. When I obtained my V 6 license, one of the things I needed to do was created an "emergency kit" with a printed "Secret Key" document. We lost our home in the 2017 Santa Rosa, CA wildfires, and I no longer have that "secret key" document. I have v. 6.8.9 of the Mac application, I think I have v. 7.4.1 of the iOS application.

    I'm really sorry that happened to you and your family. :( I think there may just be some confusion though about the license. With a license, you would not have a Secret Key at all; that's part of a 1Password membership account, which you would only have if you signed up for that. So it sounds like you've been using the standalone 1Password app.

    Assuming I update to v. 7, family membership, for our two accounts (mine and my wife's), is there any significant risk that we'll lose our Password repositories because we no longer have that Secret Key document? Will I need to change my synchronization method (I may well need to do this anyway because of Dropbox's limitation on the number of devices supported by my account type).

    If your data is in a vault being sync'd with Dropbox, it is not in a 1Password account, and therefore a Secret Key is not relevant. It sounds like you have access to all of your data. If that's the case, it's no problem to sign up for a new 1Password membership, make sure you have all of your account credentials in a safe place in case you ever need them, and migrate to that to use going forward.

    Conversely, because my new iPhone Pro will require iOS 13, is it possible I'll lose the ability to use the current mechanism for using the 1Password app in iOS if I don't upgrade 1Password first?

    No. You can use 1Password on iOS 13. :)

    Lastly, I've been told that even in 1Password 7, there's an enduring (non-subscription) licensing mechanism available. What are the disadvantages for me of using that class of upgrade, assuming it's available?

    Licenses are sold per platform, per person. So it sounds like you'd need to buy at least two for the latest version of 1Password for Mac -- one for your wife and one for you. A 1Password Families membership, on the other hand, includes all the apps and updates for each family member you invite (5 are included in the base price). So I think that's a better option, since it streamlines things for you going forward. And as long as you keep your account credentials somewhere safe, even if all your devices are lost, stolen, or destroyed, you'll be able to get your data back by signing into your account:

    Share passwords in 1Password Families

    Let me know if you need help or have any questions, and we'll go from there. :)

  • CalfeeRider
    Community Member

    Thanks so much for the detailed commentary. I know I had a 1Password for Families account, but I didn't know that it required recurring payments. I'll try to sort that out before I upgrade; It may help me to figure out my replacement for Dropbox at the same time.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @CalfeeRider: You're very welcome! Since it sounds like you may have some questions around billing, I'd encourage you to reach out to so we can discuss it and help you there instead of this public forum. And indeed, 1Password Families (or any 1Password membership) includes built-in sync, so you wouldn't need to use Dropbox or anything else. Cheers! :)

  • CalfeeRider
    Community Member

    Looks as though my need to update/upgrade has been precipitated by macOS System Update, which installed Safari 13 basically behind my back this morning when I'd explicitly instructed it to install the macOS Mojave 14.6 Supplemental Update 2 but NOT Safari 13. Now, I can log into some websites but not others; e.g., yes for my bank, no for the agile bits forum, although I can look up usernames and passwords in my 1Password datafile. I'm assuming that password changes mediated by 1Password would not go well. I need to do a bit more sorting out, and I'll call customer support about my license and the "Emergency Kit" issue.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @CalfeeRider: You'd only have an Emergency Kit if you've signed up for a 1Password membership account and saved that afterward. The membership includes the latest version of 1Password for all your devices, which will in turn get you compatibility with Safari 13 and the upcoming macOS Catalina. Can you tell me what you've done so far, and where you're getting stuck?

  • CalfeeRider
    Community Member

    I have 1Password 6 installed on my Macs. I know that when 1Password for families came out there was a brief period when it was actually downloaded as 1Password Business (or something like that, with a proviso that "Families" would be an offshoot. I also know that I created two or three emergency kits (one for me, one for my wife, and possibly one for my son, who never installed or used his.

    I can find annual $48 expenditures to Agile Bits. I've also just now, after arduous searching using Evernote (unsuccessful),, and Spotlight, an emergency kit pdf that I created in April 2019, but I cannot find one for my wife's vault. So, I guess what I need to do is call customer service to find out if I've actually paid this year.

    Thanks so much,
    Jim Robertson

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @CalfeeRider: Ah, I know what you're talking about. Originally we released "1Password for Teams" as a beta in autumn 2015. It wasn't until spring 2016 that we introduced 1Password Families (and ditched the "for"). It does sound like you've been paying for a membership. There isn't anything we can do to get your wife access to her account, but if it is under your family membership you can help her recover it:

    If you need further help as far as with the account and billing, please shoot us an email at since we can't discuss private information like that here on a public support forum. :)

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