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Account frozen

This discussion was created from comments split from: Account frozen.


  • Greg88
    Community Member

    I just updated my iPhone to iOS 13, and 1Password required that I used my Emergency Kit info to get back into the program (not sure why, that has never happened before). But now I receive a message that my account is frozen. Help!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Greg88! Welcome to the forum!

    Have you activated a subscription for this account already?

  • Greg88
    Community Member

    No, I purchased the software outright several years ago and have never had a subscription.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greg88: Then you would have been using the standalone 1Password app without an account. Where do you have your 1Password data currently?

  • Greg88
    Community Member

    The backups are on my laptop (Library/Group Containers/. . .agilebits/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups). FWIW, iPassword on my laptop is working fine. It is only my iPhone that has problems, and only since updating to iOS 13. Does this help?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greg88: Are you using the 1Password account on your laptop, or is your data in a Primary ("On this Mac/PC") vault there?

  • Greg88
    Community Member

    If I'm reading my preferences right, Primary (there is nothing in the "Accounts" window, and in "Vaults" it says Always open to Primary, and Vault for Saving - Primary)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greg88: Thanks! Then you're not using an account at all. How have you been syncing your 1Password data in that case?

  • Greg88
    Community Member

    Via WLAN server. Question: since evidently I'm not using an account, why would the app on my iPhone say my account is frozen and keep me from accessing the program?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greg88: The only reason I can think of is that you a) have a 1Password account, b) it is frozen, and c) you're signed into it in the app (1Password Settings > Accounts). In your first post you indicated that you signed into it to setup the app, instead of selecting WLAN Server.

  • Greg88
    Community Member

    I didn't see selecting WLAN server as an option when I was first locked out of the app, and in fact had never been denied access before. How do I restore access now?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Greg88: I'm not quite sure what you mean by "locked out of the app" or "denied access", but if you have all of your data on your laptop, and you were syncing your iPhone with that before using WLAN Server, it seems like the solution would be to reinstall the app on your iPhone and set it up by choosing the WLAN Server option instead. You may want to consider a 1Password membership though, as you'd already be up and running if you'd been using that across all your devices.

  • Greg88
    Community Member

    That took care of my problem. Thank you so much for walking me through this so I am back up and running!

    Some additional items while this thread is open. . .

    In looking through my 1Password records, I have a 1Password Emergency Kit that evidently was a part of my original purchase back in March 2016. It includes a Sign In Details section with web address, email address, account key, and a place for me to note a Master Password. Does that mean I have an "account" even though I am using the standalone app, storing my data locally, and not paying a subscription fee? If so, is my data being stored on 1Password servers as well?

    I'd be interested in information on a membership.

    Again, your help has been greatly appreciated.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That took care of my problem. Thank you so much for walking me through this so I am back up and running!

    @Greg88: Glad to hear it! Thanks for the update. You're very welcome. :)

    In looking through my 1Password records, I have a 1Password Emergency Kit that evidently was a part of my original purchase back in March 2016. It includes a Sign In Details section with web address, email address, account key, and a place for me to note a Master Password. Does that mean I have an "account" even though I am using the standalone app, storing my data locally, and not paying a subscription fee?

    That sounds like you signed up for a membership account at some point but didn't subscribe, which is why it's frozen. It has nothing to do with any license you purchased, and won't really do you any good in that state.

    If so, is my data being stored on 1Password servers as well?

    It doesn't sound like you've saved anything in the account (any data you're syncing using WLAN Server cannot be in an account), but you could sign into the website to double check to see if there is anything there at all.

    I'd be interested in information on a membership. Again, your help has been greatly appreciated.

    A 1Password membership includes all of the apps and updates, automatic offsite backup and item history, and involves no license management, separate purchases, or sync configuration; you simply sign into your account on each device to access your data. So I'd definitely suggest checking it out:

    About 1Password membership

    let me know if you have questions, and feel free to shoot me an email at if you want to give it a go, so I can help you get things setup. :)

This discussion has been closed.