How to delete the orinal items in my Version 6 which I have replaced with version 7 (membership)

Community Member

As a cautionary member I didn't delete the version 6 items when I installed version 7 (Membership). Now I think I should do that but one of my listings in version 7 show two of every item originally in my version 6 1Password. A guess: version 7 has a little flag symbol and version 6 has a face. Right? How do I delete all the version 6 versions at once?

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version: 7.3.2
OS Version: OS X 10.14.6
Sync Type: ??
Referrer: forum-search:How to delete the orinal items in my Version 6 which I have replaced with version 7 (membership)


  • fredbillie
    Community Member

    P.S. these 2 copies should all be the same however one copy has a different password than the original. How can that be?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Hello @fredbillie,

    The thing you need to do is delete your old Primary vault. Open 1Password and click Vault>Switch to Vault>Primary and then Vault>Delete Vault.

    As for differences in items, perhaps you changed something?

  • fredbillie
    Community Member

    Thank You. That worked. With 1Password (6 and prior) my wife had a duplicate version of that program and all changes to it through, I believe, Drop Box. I want to accomplish the same thing with 1Password 7. Obviously, I don’t want to add each item on my “Private?” vault to my wife’s vault (there are no other family members) and I have no reason to have my wife’s Vault different than mine since I maintained her 1Password essentially as a duplicate on her iMac. Is there an easy way to accomplish that? Incidentally, during my installation I believe I was directed to got to the Apple site to get 1Password for my iPhone. I didn’t do that right away because there seemed to be a requirement or Membership fee for that although the information on your site seemed to indicate that you could, under the iPassword Family Plan include 1Password without a problem on my other devices such as my Wife’s Computer and iPhones (Mine and my Wife‘s). I subsequently downloaded the mobile version on my iPhone and every thing seems to be working just fine. I hope I don’t see any Apple additional charges for that inclusion. Can you explain why there was a reference to an additional charge on the Apple site?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @fredbillie - if you have a 1Password Families account, you can use the Shared vault. Each user gets his/her own Private vault, which is good for items that you each have, but with different credentials -- your Facebook accounts, your email addresses, various personal items, etc. The Shared vault is excellent for things you want all members of the account to have access to/use -- things like bank account numbers, credit cards, the family Netflix password, anything where you both/all use the same credentials for a resource. You can use these instructions to move items from your vault into the Shared vault. Does that accomplish what you're looking for?

    If you have a 1Password account, you won't be charged anything for downloading/installing as many copies of any of our four apps (Mac, Windows, iOS and Android) as you wish. The only caveat is that you have to sign into your account so the app knows you're a member.

    Can you explain why there was a reference to an additional charge on the Apple site?

    Did your wife sign up for her own Individual 1Password account instead of (or in addition to) accepting your invitation to your 1Password Families account?

  • fredbillie
    Community Member

    Thanks for the additional information. My wife's devices (compiter and iPhone). The Computer bit wasn't much of a problem but it took a lot of time to find the proper download site for the iPhone before I could find one that did not seem to require a separate fee. Sorry fgor the delay in confirming m,y final successbut it took a while and i didn't work on it every day for other reasons.

  • fredbillie
    Community Member

    PS.Is there anyway that any change made in my Vault can be automatically made in my Wife's Vault. I always kept them the same.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @fredbillie - if you have a 1Password Families account, then you and your wife each have a vault called Personal or Private. These are ONLY yours (or your wife's) -- that's why they're named the way they are. It's for stuff you don't share with each other. Not because you want to keep secrets from one another, but because frequently you will each have separate credentials for thing like email or Facebook. If you both put a Login item called "Facebook" into the Shared vault, then it would be difficult to distinguish which Login item was whose, and you might inadvertently login to her account, or she to yours. That's what the Private vault is for. The Shared vault, by contrast, is for stuff you DO want to share -- like the banking login credentials for your shared bank accounts, and other such information. That's the way to think about this: if you have items you want synced between the two of you, so when either of you makes a change to it, the other gets those changes immediately and automatically, use the Shared vault for that. For your own individual stuff, use the Private/Personal vault.

  • fredbillie
    Community Member

    I appreciate your comments and advice. My situation may be unique since my wife has macular degeneration and can just make out the print on the computer and that is with the help with a 3 power magnifyer. Previously my changes (including 1Password) were transfered to my Wife's computer via Drop Box and that worked find. I do like the shared vault approach for several reasons (we have no secrets and Face Book is a rapidly diminishing target for her. One of the things that might be helpful to me is if one computer goes belliy up there is another that has all the same material. A recent problem with her failed computer was corrected by copying my entire computer material to her SSD drive and starting her computer again with that drive (that drive was used to boot up her computer previously because the hard drive on her computer had slowed down on boot ups and other access speeds. In any event your comments may be of more help to other families with much more divers apps and material while our situation has always been more of a duplicate computer arrangement.

    I due appreciate the information and will keep it in mind. Thanks.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Lars, you are welcome! If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.

    Have a wonderful day :)

  • kattnip
    Community Member

    You're saying to delete the primary vault???? I changed to the subscription 1Password 7 a couple of days ago and have had all sorts of problems. one is that I have 2 vaults, Primary and Personal. Some of the information is different when comparing them. I assumed you need to keep the Primary vault and delete the Personal.... also the tags aren't in alphabetical order which is time consuming. I have the Mac version

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kattnip - I'm not saying anything in particular about your situation, because I don't know anything about it specifically. In general, when a user migrates from a standalone setup with a Primary vault to a account, the process is:

    1. Create the account online in a browser at
    2. Sign into the account within your existing 1Password for Mac or 1Password for Windows application
    3. Migrate the data from the Primary vault (and any other standalone vaults) into your 1Password account.
    4. Remove the now-unnecessary Primary vault.

    However, specific advice I'd give could vary widely depending on the state of things in any person's specific setup. If you created your 1Password account only a day or two ago, there should not be much difference between the two vaults. One major difference will be that in standalone 1Password (your Primary vault), external files were added as direct attachments to existing Login, Secure Note or other items. They were part of the existing items. When you migrate your data to a 1Password account, attachments are converted to Document items which are separate items on their own. So, if you had a lot of attachments, you may notice a jump in your total item count in a account, because those attachments were converted to Documents. One person I helped a while back had over 500 attachments and was alarmed that she seemed to have a huge jump in item count between her old Primary vault and her new account's vault -- but it was entirely correct and all attributable to the difference between attachments and Documents.

    However, if you're noticing differences that aren't down to that, then we'd need to take a closer look to see what might be going on. Let us know what your situation is -- but please don't post any personally-identifying information here regarding your setup.

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