My account was frozen for a year. I have unfrozen it, but I need to load my latest data

Community Member

from v6.8.9. The old data is populating the Private Vault. Is that the one I'm supposed to use? I thought I might be able to import from a backup (.zip) file, but that doesn't seem to work. In version 6.8.9 I synced through Dropbox.

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I unfroze my account. How do I migrate my v6 data?


  • markbot
    Community Member

    Here's a brief addendum. Somehow I imported OnePassword.sqlite (/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data/OnePassword.sqlite) into 1password7. I thought I imported it to a new Vault I created called "Test" but it seems to have pulled the data into Private. And the logins work. But I am still confused about Vaults --?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @markbot!

    1Password allows you to use different vaults. The default one is called Private, but you can use multiple vaults if you want to keep your items separated. It is useful if you want to store personal items in a vault, and work items in another, for example.

    But it's not mandatory to use multiple vaults. If you are fine just using your Private vault, you can certainly just use that one :)

  • markbot
    Community Member

    Thank you, ag_ana,

    All I would like to do is

    • delete all the items in my Private vault that were there when my account was frozen, and I migrated back to v6.8.9

    • load a fresh copy of the latest 6.8.9 data into v7

    Not knowing how to, and not finding any documentation, I tried this:

    • I created and selected a new Vault and named it Test

    • I click File/Import from the v7 Toolbar and I get a new window tltled "Import" which offers 6 choices.

    • I select "1Password 6" and click the button "Choose File."

    • I go to /Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data
      There are many files, most with long names, but gray and unselectable. The only selectable items are the files B5.sqlite and OnePassword.sqlite.

    • I click on OnePassword.sqlite and then click the blue "Open" button.

    • I am prompted to enter my 1Password 6 Master Password which I do.

    I get a notification that says "Success!" with 428 of 428 items imported.

    • I Click the blue "View Imported Items" button

    This is where things get weird

    • The 428 items were not imported into the new 'Test' Vault (which has a spinning activity wheel churning in it) but into the 'Private' Vault where they are merged with the old data.

    (It looks like I can go to the 1Password7 Toolbar, select Help/Tools/Clean Up Duplicate Items.)

    But this doesn't seem right. As I say, all I want to do (at this point) is delete all the old items in my Private Vault, and import (or otherwise migrate) my existing, up-to-date data from v6.8.9 into it.

    I'm wondering -- is there a way to import data from the 6.8.9 "1Password Backups" folder? (That is the, ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Backups Folder)

    Any thoughts or ideas?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @markbot - deleting data in your vault(s) is no problem; just select them all, them move to trash (and, probably, empty the trash). Re-importing data you were using in 1Password 6 for Mac depends on how you had things set up. In 1Password 6 for Mac, were you using a account, or only standalone data? Or both? If you were using only standalone data, then this will be relatively easy. Make sure you're signed into your 1Password account in 1Password 7 for Mac, then do more-or-less what you were doing...with one caveat: when you're importing into an individual 1Password account, the only destination available is your default Personal vault.

    What I'm not entirely clear on from your post is whether you want to just "clean up" some of the items in your Private vault that are older/duplicates, or you want to empty out your Private vault and re-import? Can you clarify? Thanks.

  • markbot
    Community Member

    Dear Lars,

    In 1Password6 (v6.8.9) I was using only standalone data, synced via Dropbox.

    The import sequence I described in my previous note was for 1Password 7 on my iMac.

    I'm not quite clear on one thing. When you write "just select them all," are you referring to selecting all in or in 1Password 7 on my iMac?

    Also what is the "default Personal vault." Is that the same as my Private vault?

    I would like to empty out my Private (Personal?) vault (and do I do that on or 1Password 7 on my iMac?) and import the data from 1Password 6. To me, I would ideally like to use the last backup of my 1Password 6 data, the one named like this:

     1Password 2019-09-26 15_00_08 (1 profiles, 428 items, 0 folders, 104 attachments).1p4_zip

    That would make the most sense to me, but the 1Password 7 Import selection doesn't "see" backup (.zip) files in

            ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Backups

    All the backup (.zip) files are grey and you can't select them to Open them.

    What it can see is

            ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data/BB.sqlite

    ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data/OnePassword.sqlite

    The latter file is the one I have been using. Is that the actual data 1Password 6 was using?

    What I also don't quite understand is the interaction (or relationship) between the Vaults on and 1Password 7. Are they synced (as they were in Dropbox?) where a change in one would immediately propagate to the other?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @markbot - sorry for the lack of clarity. I meant in 1Password 7 for Mac -- it's impossible to select all items in a vault (or even select multiples) when viewing your account in a browser, because it's a browser -- there's no ⌘A equivalent. You may have already discovered this in your own testing. That's why I always recommend editing (especially "batch editing" like moving multiple items) be done in a 1Password app -- because the options and capabilities there are so much better. If you want to move (or even trash) ten items in the web client of, you have to do each one individually. That's do-able, but a pain. But if you have 250 such items, then that quickly becomes, uh, not so much fun, to say the least.

    Also what is the "default Personal vault." Is that the same as my Private vault?

    Sorry. Yes.

    I would like to empty out my Private (Personal?) vault (and do I do that on or 1Password 7 on my iMac?) and import the data from 1Password 6.

    You CAN do it in either client or in 1Password 7 for Mac, but as I mentioned above, it's MUCH easier in 1Password 7 for Mac where you can select all items and move them (or trash them) with a single command. To do it in 1Password for Mac, make sure you're viewing your Private vault and All Items (not any specific category like Logins or Credit Cards), then select any item in the list by single-clicking. Use ⌘A to select all of the items, then in the menubar, click Item > Move to Trash. You may also wish to right-click or Control-click the trash and choose "Empty Trash" if you're certain you don't want/need any of these items.

    Once your Private vault is empty, you can re-import the 1Password 6 for Mac data. But you don't have to use a backup file in the way that you're mentioning. Zip files in the Backups directory can be very useful in some situations (data loss, forgotten Master Password, etc). But they are retrospective "snapshots" of your data from a particular point in time. In your case, if you use the File > Import > 1Password 6 command, you can use the actual OnePassword.sqlite database, which is by definition the most-current version since it's what 1Password actually uses as its data source. And yes, you would use the OnePassword.sqlite file, not B5.SQlite.

    What I also don't quite understand is the interaction (or relationship) between the Vaults on and 1Password 7. Are they synced (as they were in Dropbox?) where a change in one would immediately propagate to the other?

    Even faster, typically. We built the server backend to do nothing except sync your 1Password data. It's very, very quick in most cases where there's no internet or local network issues. To be clear, 1Password 7 for Mac can work with either local (standalone) data that's synced via Dropbox or iCloud (or not synced at all, OR accounts, or even both simultaneously. If you sign into a account in 1Password for Mac, then yes -- there is a local cache of the data (that would be the B5.sqlite file you observed -- which is what's actually changed when you add, edit or delete data through the 1Password for Mac interface...and then that SQlite file is synced to its counterpart on the servers. Although it's much more customized and advanced, the overall method of change-local-database-then-sync-local-database-to-remote-database is the same.

    If you're offline when you make changes to the local 1Password database, then 1Password for Mac will queue them up until the next time it's open and unlocked AND you have an internet connection, at which point it will sync. Hope that's addressed all your questions. :)

  • markbot
    Community Member

    Thank you, Lars, for your help. I'm up and running.

    Just a couple of quick housekeeping questions left:

    In v6 I was syncing with Dropbox. Now that I'm in v7 (and don't anticipate downgrading to v6) can I delete this file:


    Also, regarding this folder:

        ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4

    This was used for years by, I believe, 1Password 4-6. Is it still in use by 1Password 7, or can it too be deleted?

    Finally, 1Password 6 had a Backup and Restore function from the File selection in the Toolbar. 1Password seems not to have those. Is that the case, or have they been moved somewhere else?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @markbot - awesome! Glad to hear things are back up and running.

    can I delete this file: Dropbox/Apps/1Password/1Password.opvault

    Yup. It's just a sync keychain, you don't need it any longer if you're using your account now.

    Also, regarding this folder: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4 - this was used for years by, I believe, 1Password 4-6. Is it still in use by 1Password 7, or can it too be deleted?

    That's the location of all your data and app settings for versions 4-6, you're entirely correct. Can it be deleted? Well, technically, yes. If you're on version 7 and don't foresee any reason to have, reference or revert to any of that older data, you can "nuke" it. But our usual recommendation is to NOT mess around with the contents of your ~/Library folder, since it's a great place to really mess things up inadvertently. No, you won't need this in all likelihood...but you never know. What if (just an example) an old credit card you haven't used in a while and removed 18 months ago from 1Password comes back to haunt you in some way and you need that number or the login information? If you had old backups, you could, if worse came to worst, restore from an older backup. But if you delete it, it's G-O-N-E. Unless you're really short on hard drive space due to a small SSD drive or something similar, I'd recommend just leaving that be -- it's not in use by any active program including 1Password, it's fully encrypted so it's at no greater risk of disclosure/hacking than your current 1Password data, and -- however remote the possiblity -- it might conceivably save your bacon one day. If you must, then sure -- delete it. But we don't recommend it.

    1Password 6 had a Backup and Restore function from the File selection in the Toolbar. 1Password seems not to have those.

    I assume you meant 1Password 7, and if so, then no -- 1Password 7 still has the backup/restore feature...if you're using standalone data. If you have a 1Password account, however, then neither version 6 nor version 7 will have the Backups pane in Preferences, because in a 1Password account, backups are iterative, individual item history performed redundantly on the server. We use AWS as our actual host, and their data redundancy and disaster recovery are second-to-none. And just in case both we and Amazon disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow, you still have the local cache of your data on your own device(s). So, no need for on-device backups that take up a ton of room.

This discussion has been closed.