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Licence VS membership

Community Member


I purchased a licence over 5 years ago straight from the App Store. From what I understand, it seems like I don't actually have a membership/account.

What is the difference exactly between the 2? Also I'd like to manage a shared vault for my company, what's the best way to do so? The option "New vault" is greyed out on the Mac version of the app.

Thanks for your help

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS 10.15
Sync Type: iCloud


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Pete75! Welcome to the forum!

    A 1Password Membership gives you several more features that are not available in the license version of 1Password. So the Membership option is the one we recommend ;)

    Also I'd like to manage a shared vault for my company, what's the best way to do so?

    A 1Password Business account allows you to share vaults with other team members, and also manage the permissions to this vault.

    The option "New vault" is greyed out on the Mac version of the app.

    I noticed that you mentioned using 1Password version 7. Version 7 is a paid upgrade, so you won't be able to add or edit information in the app until you have purchased either a license or a subscription.

This discussion has been closed.