Problem with account "We found 1 account" on iOS and iPadOS apps
I had a 1Password membership account on an old work email years ago and it seems to still show up on my iOS devices inside the add an account option in settings or when I reinstall the 1Password app. I believe that account that still reappears was deleted, but I could be wrong. Because the web address for 1Password on the add account page is still active. However, I played around with the url and did and it worked. So it looks like that page isn't going to break with non-valid usernames.
Anyways, I've done a couple things. First I cleared out the Keychain in Safari and the iCloud Keychain in Keychain Access on macOS. Second, I deleted the saved iCloud data under 'manage data' in my iCloud settings on macOS. Then I reset my iOS and iPadOS devices, reinstalling 1Password for both. Sort of worked at first, but once I logged in with the full login with secret key of my current account, I navigated to settings and 'add account'. The old account I used to own, that I believe no longer exists is still there. This must be a keychain issue.
This issue doesn't appear on the macOS app. Additionally, one of the forums on here that I found suggested typing in a random password and the account should disappear. That didn't work as well.
I've opened the /Library/Mobile Documents/ folder in my Terminal and ls'd what's inside, nothing seems to be associated with Agile Bits or 1Password.
Could anyone help with this? @Ben maybe? Since I've found two forum entries that you've helped out on.
Thanks in advance everyone!
1Password Version: 7.4.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iPadOS 13.1.1
Sync Type: