New Account Creation Workflow

I had to create a new account, and it seems like it was a lot of steps. Here is my workflow. I am using a PC with the standalone DropBox sync version 7.3.712, and I also have iOS versions. Can you let me know if there is an easier way to do this?

I needed to create a new account at UnitedHealthCare (UHC), so I went to their website, and hit the Register button. I went to a screen that asked the account creation questions. First was UserID. I went to OnePassword, hit the plus sign, selected Password, and created a new password, and labeled it UHC UserID, and saved it. I copied that new password, went back to the UHC site, and pasted it into UserID. Then I went back to OP, hit the plus sign, selected Password, and created a new password, and labeled it UHC Password, and saved it. I copied that new password, went back to the UHC site, and pasted it into the Password fields. I went down to the security question section on the UHC website. I don’t like to enter my real favorite colors and things, so I use OP to generate those answers for me. So I selected three of their security question options, but did not provide answers. Then I went OP, hit the plus sign, selected Password, and labeled it UHC Question Favorite Color, and saved it. Then I copied the that new password, went back to the UHC website, and pasted it into the answer for question 1. I repeated those password creation/copying steps for questions 2 and 3. I filled out the last few details, and had successfully created my account.

Now I go to the UHC actual login website. I go back to OP, select passwords, and scroll down to the UHC UserID I created, and copy that. Then I go to the UHC website, and paste that into the UserID field. Back to OP, find the UHC password I created, copy that, go to the UHC website, and paste that into the password field. Now I hit the OP icon on my browser, select Setting -> Save New Login. I create a Login, and save it. I hit enter on UHC website, and I am logged in. Yay!

Now I need to take care of those questions. I go back into OP, go to Logins, and find the newly created UHC login. I edit it to save the security questions. I create a section called Questions, and in the first field, I enter the first question. For the value, I just type “x” for now. By now, I have forgotten the second question, so I put in a placeholder for that, and an “x” for the value. I also put in the third question, and an “x”. I save my update to the Login. Now I go to the password list, find the first UHC question I created, and copy the password. I see the second question there, and remember I need to update that. I go to the Logins, find the UHC login, edit it, and update the first security question with what I just copied. I also fix the second question now that I remember it, so I type that and hit save. I go back to Passwords, find the UHC questions, go to the second one, copy that password. I go to Logins, find the UHC login, hit edit, go to the second question, and paste the answer, and hit save. Back to Passwords, find the UHC questions again, copy the third one. Go to Logins, find the UHC login, hit edit, paste in the third answer, and hit save.

Finally, to make sure I didn’t make any copy mistakes, I open OP on my iPad, wait for the updates to sync, and then I open the UHC passwords I created, and compare all five to my PC to make sure I have them all correct and in the correct fields. I don't know of another way to verify they are correct without using a second device. I also have several password items in OP that I really don't need anymore.

I don't like to sounds lazy, but is there a better, easier way for me to do all of this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2019

    @Rob 1234 - there is, in fact! For most of the categories of items you can store in 1Password, using the plus ( + ) button is the correct and indeed the only way you can create new items. But Login items for website sign-in pages are a bit different, and there's a different process for adding these: visit the site in your favorite browser that has the 1Password extension installed. Sign into the website using your existing credentials (username and password). 1Password will offer to save the site for you in 1Password.

    If you're registering for a brand new site, you can use a similar process, but from the registration page instead of the Login page. Depending on the site in question, you may need to change the URL you saved because some sites have very different URLs for sign-in and register (and if you save the register URL, it won't work for sign-in), but other sites require no editing of the 1Password Login item at all. Hope that's helpful!

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