Questions from a new user

Community Member

Good morning, i have two questions:
1. I linked my account on an Android device, using the QR code. Under 1password app, i found a Login category, where i find my personal account's data.... user name, password and secret key. How is it possible that my password can be viewed in clear text? Is the password encryption reversible?
2. I have activated 2FA but, when i login from Firefox, for example, i have only to insert my password. No secret key and no 2FA.

Thank you.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:security


  • Hi @linuxmc81:

    Great questions, and welcome to 1Password! 😁

    When you create a 1Password account, a few items are automatically created during the account creation process and stored securely in your 1Password vault. We call these the Starter Kit items. It's an Identity that you can use for filling your details on websites, a Secure Note, as well as a Login item for your 1Password account. All the items stored in your 1Password account, including that Login item are securely stored. A real world example of this might be storing a backup key to a safe, inside the safe itself. Because you've entered your account password and Secret Key on your Android device, you're able to decrypt the information stored in your 1Password account, which includes the Login item containing your 1Password account information.

    As for two-factor authentication, after you've successfully signed into your 1Password account on a new device, you won't be prompted for your two-factor authentication code on that device.

    Let me know if that explains everything, or if you'd like me to dig into it further with you!


  • linuxmc81
    Community Member

    Hi Jack, very good answers. Thank you :)

  • On behalf of Jack, you're welcome.

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