Unable to install the browser extension for Safari on MacOS/
So I just noticed that Safari was no longer installed in my web browser. I know I did not remove it, and I am not sure when it disappeared. I use it fairly frequently so it can't have been missing for too long. So I went to the app store and reinstalled it and the app does not reappear in the list of available extensions. The attached screen shot shows the list of extensions in Safari on the left and on the right a window with the app store and the smaller dialog that opens when you click on the open button on the app store. So the app store believes that the extension has been installed but Safari does not realize it. So at this point I can't even delete the extension and reinstall it.
I have quit both Safari and 1Password and I have restarted my Mac and the problem persists.
Suggestions welcomed !
Same here, right down to the fact that the app things it's installed, but it's not listed in the extensions in the Preferences window within Safari. Tried the same workflow to problem solve, but so far, no luck.