cmd-. doesn't prompt to unlock 1Password

In the past, when I'd autofill with cmd-., if 1Password wasn't already unlocked, the unlock prompt would pop up. Currently, if 1Password isn't already unlocked, doing cmd-. does nothing. I have to realize that 1Password is locked, switch to the 1Password app, unlock it, then return to the browser to find the login/password filled in. Is it possible to get the extension to pop up the prompt to unlock?

1Password Version: 7.9.5 (70905003)
Extension Version: 2.3.3
OS Version: 12.3.1


  • JimmyTheSaint
    Community Member

  • JimmyTheSaint
    Community Member


  • JimmyTheSaint
    Community Member


  • Hi @JimmyTheSaint:

    I sincerely apologize for missing your thread. It seems like 1Password in Firefox might be having trouble communicating with 1Password for Mac. If you fully quit 1Password for Mac as well as Firefox, and then toggle "Integrate with the 1Password app" in Settings for 1Password for Firefox (right click the 1Password icon in Firefox, choose Settings), does that improve your state of play? Let me know.


  • JimmyTheSaint
    Community Member

    My setting, "Integrate with the 1Password app" is already set, and has remained so across restarts, but I again quit the Firefox and 1Password apps (while 1Password's menu bar icon remains running), and there's no change. For example, I get no cmd-. fill behavior at htps:// I do have other passwords for other web pages in that domain, for example

    It seems that these failures to get cmd-. to fill in the password occur exclusively on web sites where I have more than one password associated with that domain, as with Waldorf above.

  • JimmyTheSaint
    Community Member


  • Hi @JimmyTheSaint:

    Thanks for following up. Since it seems like the 1Password desktop is having trouble communicating with 1Password in your browser, taking a closer look at your specific setup would be best. I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • JimmyTheSaint
    Community Member

    I've sent the diagnostic. Can you verify whether or not you experience the same problem? That is, failure to fill with cmd-. when you have more than one password for different URLs in the same domain.

  • @JimmyTheSaint

    Off-topic. I always love your username.

    I can confirm we received that report. One of my colleagues will look it over and get back to you. Now that we have a (soon-to-be) direct line of communication going let's continue the discussion there. It will prevent duplication of efforts. If you did not receive a support id, it is is TAG-37737-258

    ref: TAG-37737-258

This discussion has been closed.