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Forum Discussion

JBjr's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Password complexity to require a special character?

Recently the auto-generated password is insufficient for certain systems.
The generated password is long enough and has a variety of character types, but no "special" characters.
In each case I simply had to add a "special" character for the password to be accepted.
I don't see a place to modify the password complexity rules. Can that be made available? Or enabled globally?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: (Not used)
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:password complexity

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks for the suggestion. I like to use memorable passwords as I find it easier to fat finger them in when needed. Ran into a problem recently where a website had a maximum password length of 20 characters, and the auto generated 4 word memorable password kept exceeding 20 characters and failing to be accepted. I had to use this technique but it was a pain to count the number of characters with each regeneration. It would have been nice if the password generator showed the character count for the memorable password.

  • I think that's a great idea, @kswisher! I've added your feedback to our internal tracker on the topic. If you're working in your browser, I could suggest an alternative workaround:

    Open the password generator from the 1Password browser extension

    From here you can regenerate a password. Since symbols are highlighted in red you can spot which ones are being used currently and regenerate until you find a password that works for you:

    You can then copy this password into the appropriate field and let 1Password save it, this way you won't have to go back and edit the item afterwards. I'd love to see the option to choose which symbols are used though, so thanks for sharing that! Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-1506

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I FREQUENTLY encounter sites that require a special character, but only allow a subset of special characters. I wish we could edit the suggested password before accepting to use. My current workaround is to default to use memorable words with number separators and manually add a special character to the end after it auto fills. Of course I then have to remember to go back into 1Password and edit the saved password to add the special character. And now with v8 auto submitting, I can't even do this.

  • JBjr's avatar
    New Contributor

    (Sorry it took so long to I finally had a reason to create a new login and once again they wanted a "special character".)

    I never paid attention 'below the green line', so thanks for pointing that out!
    Looks like once the toggle is flipped, it sticks. That's perfect.
    Thank you!

  • JBjr

    Is this within the app? If so, it may be that the option is disabled. See the toggle at the bottom of my screenshot. You also mentioned Chrome which should share those settings.