Can't copy and paste password into website field

Help! After hardening all my passwords (what a pain!), I find some sites don't display the 1P icon in the Password field (dunno why), so I fire up the v7 1Password application (Open 1Password option in Gear menu) to copy the password. But then, the *&#^% website won't let me paste the hardened password into the form's Password field. Instead, I have to flip back and forth between the form and 1P, remembering 3 or 4 gobbledygook characters at a time, until the whole (LONG!) password is correctly entered. Am I doing something wrong or is this SOP for some websites? Thanks in advance for any and all responses.

1Password Version: 7.9.5
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: macOS Big Sur 12.6.8
Browser:_ Chrome


  • williakz
    Community Member

    Tickler: anyone interested in answering my question about some sites locking out password pasting into their Password fields?

  • Hey @williakz:

    I'd like to apologize about missing your thread until now. It's also possible to drag fields from the 1Password pop-up in your browser to a website, which may work better. Let me know if that works for you, or if you're still having trouble with these specific sites. Additionally, if you're willing to share the sites where you're running into trouble, we can definitely take a closer look.


  • williakz
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response @Jack.P_1P — I'll try your drag-n-drop suggestion and report back.

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