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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
3 years ago

Need TOPT autofill option for pass/pin + one-time-password

One of the sites that I use frequently requires uses multi-factor authentication. I access the site across multiple computers, and it requires frequent re-authentication. The login form has a field for username, and one other box for a token which is combination of a password/pin suffixed with the TOPT one-time-password.

Currently the 1password MFA/One-time-password features is only able to autofill the password or the one-time-password. Is there is a way to configure 1password to autofill with password+one-time-password?

If not, I recommend a feature enhancement to implement it. It is more insecure to copy and paste the one-time-password to/from the clipboard, plus makes the user experience poor for the most frequent used credentials.

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: 2.4.1
OS Version: macOS, iphone IOS, RHEL, fedora
Browser:_ Chrome & Firefox

  • ChrisC1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team


    I understand that the workflow you are describing is not an ideal experience. Although I cannot guarantee if or when it will be implemented, I have added a vote on your behalf to an internal feature request to allow autofill configuration for MFA-based passwords.

    Let me know if you have any other questions or feedback on how we can improve 1Password.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Yes that I'm what I'm doing today. It works, but it is insecure to copy and paste passwords, and a poor experience.

    Do you take feature requests?

    I'm asking if you can put a new feature in the backlog to create autofill configuration for MFA-based passwords that allow the option to fill pass+otp automatically.

  • GreyM1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team


    If you're autofilling a "decorated" password, with the one-time password on the end, here's what to do:

    1. Autofill the username and password as usual.
    2. Don't tap the submit button.
    3. Tap the Password field again, and Paste at the end of the autofilled password.

    That will then add your one-time password to the password it had already autofilled.

    On your computer, you can autofill the username and password, then click the one-time password in the 1Password browser extension to copy it. Then you can paste it at the end before you submit the form.

    Give those things a go and let me know how they work. :)

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Hi GreyM1P, Yes it is able to autofill the password, however the password box is actually the stored password plus the one-time-password as a combined token. It would be great to have the ability to autofill the combination as a new feature.

    • halidaee's avatar
      New Contributor

      +1ing this. Also have several sites where I need this OTP-as-suffix feature. Especially as someone with minimal typing ability who focuses on using automation and programmatic  dictation (e.g. Talon), filling this need would be huge. It is easy enough to implement for needs via the CLI but hard for in-browser usage. 

      • 1P_Evon's avatar
        Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team


        Thank you for reaching out. While I can't make any promises, I've shared your feedback with our product team. Let me know if you have any questions. 


  • GreyM1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hey there @jaydbyoo

    If you're using 1Password in the browser, 1Password can already autofill one-time passwords for you, using the same method as username and password.

    On mobile devices, you can turn on One-Time Passwords in 1Password's Settings > AutoFill to allow you to autofill one-time passwords. There's more information about that here: Use 1Password as an authenticator for sites with two-factor authentication. (see the different tabs for different devices)

    If you find you're still having trouble, can you let me know what device and browser you're using? Then I'll be able to put this discussion in the right place. :)

    — Grey