How to tell when a password was changed?
I'm looking for a way to tell when a password was changed using the CLI. I see a previous thread that mentions being able to see timestamps when getting passwords in CLIv1, but I can't find that info in CLIv2.
My goal is to be able to tag items that need to be rotated, then pragmatically verify the password was changed and remove the tag. The history available via the web UI provides this information, but history isn't available in the CLI. The updated_at value is changed when I apply a tag so it won't work.
After playing with this a bit, I see the password history list is available in the CLI. I could record the length of that list and ensure it's larger after being rotated, but that seems a bit clumsy. There are also other use cases where it would be good to know when a password (versus other fields in the item) was changed. Is there a way to do that via the CLI?
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