After 1password 4 install all but three passwords erased from my vault

Community Member

Uh...definitely not the behavior I expected. And not sure where backups are stored since it can't find any. Thankfully I had everything on both my iPhone and iPad and switched over to iCloud sync (from Dropbox) so I was able to get everything back. Where does 1password store automated backups if not in the folder that opens from within the preferences?




  • Hi Jason,

    That should not be happening at all, we haven't see anybody else report this as well, so it is not a common bug if it is one. Can you email us your diagnostic report, so that we can figure out what happened? To do that, please read this.

    The Show Files in the Backups Preferences does take you to the Backups folder where it'll create new backups in.

    The 1Password 4 is storing the backups in a separate location from the previous version, so you should be able to find 3.9.x backups here:

    ~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups

    To get there, ppen a Finder window and select "Go to Folder" from the Go menu. Copy the above path and paste it in the input field, then press Return:

  • jkratz
    Community Member

    Sent off the diagnostic report. Also found the backups. I guess thats part of the problem with being Mac AppStore only...the container nonsense.

  • Hi @jkratz,

    Thanks for the report, we'll look into it as soon as possible. As for the sandboxing, it does provide a lot of security benefits, it's worth the trade off in some of the inconveniences but we'll look into finding ways to simplify this.

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