1password keeps asking to save login for sites already saved?

How do I stop 1password in Chrome asking me to save password for a site I have already saved?

I cant always remember if 1password has saved the password for a particular URL I usually always say 'yes save password' when I am asked. However I now have so many duplicate logins for the same site (same user name and password by the way). How do I stop 1password asking me to save password for a site I have already saved? It's been doing this for a long time (not a recent issue). I've just put up with it for many many months hoping a fix would come, but nothing has come.

Is there any way for 1password to pop up a dialogue saying I already have something with this URL or something with this site title, is this the same site? or something similar so it doesn't just create another saved login account.

Many thanks
PS I mostly use Chrome/31.0.1650.63 on mac.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Rudy,

    I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to you here but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're all working hard and putting in extra hours to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.

    One surefire way to make sure that 1Password doesn't ask to save passwords for sites that you have already saved in 1Password is to make use of the Mini to open websites and fill for you. Try this:

    • Click the key icon to open 1Password Mini
    • Start typing the name of the site you want to visit
    • Hit Enter when the correct website is highlighted
    • Mini will open the site and fill your Login information for you :)

    To clean up any duplicates that may already exist, try taking a peek at our Security Audit feature and selecting the Duplicates option. This will clearly display all duplicates so you can do a little housecleaning.

    If you would still like to have 1Password exclude certain websites from the 'Ask to Save' list, you can do so in two ways:

    • Go to Preferences > Browsers and add the website to the exceptions list
    • When the dialogue pops up and offers to save a Login, click the gear icon in the lower right corner to select 'Never for this Site'

    I hope this helps, but if you have further questions, we're here for you!

  • tomvon
    Community Member

    I also have this same issue. It's actually becoming a deal breaker with this app for me. With Keychain syncing on all Apple devices there's not much use for this app, as great as it may be. Megan, thanks for the response, but you answer doesn't solve the original problem and creates a lot more work for the user. The point of the app is to save time. Manually managing a blacklist defeats that purpose.

    I believe the real problem is that the app considers query strings to be as part of the url. So going accounts.google.com?continue=adsense and going to accounts.google.com?continue=voice are seen as separate urls and this is why your prompted every time. Some sites pass in all kinds of query strings that can change daily and this is why we are bombarded by 1Password to keep saving passwords and we get loaded up with so many copies of the same thing.

    The solution would be to be able to toggle a setting in the browser plugin that tells it to ignore the query string. Additionally it would be nice if the app added some sort of uniqueness to the name that it saves by default so that we don't get 50 "Google Accounts" saved in the app and have no idea what the difference is. If the app is going to consider the query string then maybe note something from it, like the first key or whatever so the user has some indication of whats going on.

  • tomvon
    Community Member

    P.S. Cleaning duplicates is also not a solution to the problem for me. Again, it's making me do extra work. The app should be smart enough to prevent duplicates in the first place.

  • Hi @tomvon,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this behaviour! 1Password should not be prompting you to save multiple times on the same website - even with different query strings.

    So, just to clarify something, what method are you currently using to fill in your 1Password logins?

    • Are you double-clicking an item in the main 1Password app? If so, is your browser already running when you do this?
    • Are you opening the 1Password Extension or 1Password Mini and choosing an item for a different website than what is already displayed?
    • Are you opening the website first, and then clicking on the extension or mini and clicking on the item to fill it?
    • Are you opening the website first and then pressing the Command-\ shortcut?
    • Are you letting your browser autofill the login? If so, is 1Password unlocked at the time?

    Let me know and we'll continue from there.

  • motorzen
    Community Member

    I'm not sure if @tomvon‌ is around, but I can answer based on my experience with the same issue using Chrome:

    • Are you double-clicking an item in the main 1Password app? If so, is your browser already running when you do this?

    Not clicking, opening, or using 1Password directly in any way, except for the extension is loaded in Chrome. The browser is already running. It doesn't matter if I've been using the 1Password app, or even the mini-in-browser, the issue is the same. My problem starts as soon as I log in to a site using either a memorized password, manually-typed, or one that is auto-filled using Chrome's password manager. I log in, and then 1Password Extension shows the grey stripe at the top, asking if I want to add the password for a site that is already in the database (no query strings or differing URLs).

    • Are you opening the 1Password Extension or 1Password Mini and choosing an item for a different website than what is already displayed?


    • Are you opening the website first, and then clicking on the extension or mini and clicking on the item to fill it?


    • Are you opening the website first and then pressing the Command-\ shortcut?


    • Are you letting your browser autofill the login? If so, is 1Password unlocked at the time?

    Yes/No. This happens whether 1Password is unlocked or not, and whether the browser autofills or is manually typed.

  • Hi @motorzen,

    Thanks for the update!

    There is actually a known bug where 1Password will ask you to save again in some cases when using another method of entering your password other than 1Password. There are a couple ways around this for now:

    1. Disable your browsers built in features for auto-saving and auto-filling passwords. Let 1Password handle this, as it can cause trouble if you let your browser handle it.

    For Safari:
    a. Click Safari > Preferences > Autofill
    b. Make sure Usernames and Passwords is not checked.

    For Chrome:
    a. Click Chrome > Preferences > Settings
    b. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Show Advanced Settings"
    c. Under Passwords and Forms, uncheck both "Enable Autofill to fill out web forms in a single click." and "Offer to save passwords I enter on the web."

    For Firefox:
    a. Click Firefox > Preferences > Security
    b. Make sure "Remember passwords for sites" is unchecked.

    For more information, have a read through: http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/11977/why-am-i-prompted-to-save-the-same-login-twice

    1. Make sure that you are using the 1Password extension to auto-fill your passwords by either clicking on the key icon and selecting your login, or using the "command-\" keyboard shortcut. If you manually type in your password, it can sometimes trigger this bug, so try to avoid this, if possible :)

    I am really sorry for the inconvenience! Let us know if that works out any better.

  • bill209
    Community Member


    i appreciate your response. given that this is a known bug, is a solution being actively worked on? is there a timeframe for implementation?

    your workaround solution does not work for me as i cannot turn off chrome's form-filling-feature. this is due to my work and that i have dozens of test accounts that i do not wish to pollute 1password with. this is an issue which impacts my daily use with the 1password application. i appreciate the difficulty of presenting a secure, reliable password solution that works seemlessly across many sites within many browsers. any help resolving this issue will be very much appreciated.

    thank you for your help.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bill209,

    Our developers are indeed looking to improve 1Password's behaviour here, but I can't provide much more detail than that, simply because we don't like promising timelines on unreleased features and fixes. :)

    I can certainly understand not wanting to pollute 1Password with a bunch of test accounts! (I have a separate vault for all the testing I do here, and it's plenty messy.) Now, if 1Password is prompting you to save Logins for sites that you would not like it to, you can add the site's URL to the exceptions list in Preferences > Browser below 'Automatically ask to Save new Logins'. You could also disable the 'Automatically ask to Save new Logins' feature entirely, and manually save Logins when necessary.

    I know it's not a perfect solution, but I do hope it helps. If you have any further questions, we're here for you!

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