1Password mini cut-off on external monitor [confirmed, will fix]

Community Member
edited January 2014 in Mac


I've seen people report similar problems when using the Firefox or Chrome extensions, but I'm having the issue with 1Password mini itself.

On my external monitor, the expanded dropdown menus on the external monitor's 1Password dialog get cut-off. On my main laptop screen, the menu properly opens to the left so that nothing is cut-off.

External Monitor:

Primary Monitor:

Monitor arrangement:

OS X 10.9.1, 1Password v4.1.2.BETA-6 (412006)


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2014

    Hi, @JefT.

    Thanks for the report and images. I've noted it with the bug, both for 1P mini and browser extension usage, that's filed in our tracker.

This discussion has been closed.