last modified date bug in 1P4.1.3 for Mac [resolved; item modtimes updated when added to folders]

Community Member
edited January 2014 in Mac

The last modified date updates for all items with the same website, so given three logins to one website updating the password for one login updates the "last modified" date for all three login items.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shh,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've done some testing here, and we're unable to reproduce this bug. Are you seeing this consistently on your system?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hello, @shh.

    Please also refer to my reply to you about this issue in the Mac Beta forum: here. Thanks!

  • shh
    Community Member

    I've been trying to figure out a pattern so as to provide good information to you folks, but while it happens repeatedly I can't reproduce it once I resolve the problem so maybe it is a lingering effect of the 1P3 to 1P4 conversion or something. Sorry to report an intermittent bug that I can't help chase down.

  • shh
    Community Member

    Maybe this is a 1P3/1P4 conversion issue or something in my system. It happened repeatedly for me but doesn't happen once I've updated each login at least once in 1P4.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @shh.

    How did you migrate your 1Password data from 1P3 to 1P4? I've also asked elsewhere, wondering if both issues may be a side effect of that migration process.

  • shh
    Community Member

    They could be. I'll respond more in the other thread. Thanks.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2014

    Hi, @shh.

    I've also replied: there.

    It sounds like the items you discovered with last modified updates had been added to folders.

  • shh
    Community Member

    Yes. Thanks.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @shh.

    It can be inconvenient when last modified timestamps seem unnecessarily updated, although at least we know they're used for syncing purposes.

This discussion has been closed.