Using it to keep domain client data

Eduardo Pimazzoni
Eduardo Pimazzoni
Community Member

Hi folks,

I'm new to 1Pass for Mac and would like to know from others how can I get advantage of 1Pass to keep all my client domain data like database login, passwords, urls, registers, usernames etc...? Perhaps from creating individual folders?

I'd like to hear a bit. :-)

Thanks for all comments.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2014

    Hi Eduardo,

    Thanks so much for giving 1Password a try! I do hope you're enjoying it so far. :)

    Personally, I like keeping things organized using Tags and Smart Folders. Create a
    Client tag, or a separate tag for each individual client, then create a Smart Folder to include all items with the Client tag, and all your client data is stored neatly in one place. You can add multiple tags to an item, so one entry can be in multiple Smart Folders at a time.

    I'm sure some of our other very organized forum users can give you some more good advice here. Please let me know if you have any further questions though, we're here to help!

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