Active note lost because of timeout...
I use 1Password at work to keep secure notes during tech setups (i.e., notes while I set up new servers, including various services passwords, build preferences, etc.) and I've just experienced, for the first time, and issue which resulted in the loss of all the notes I was currently taking.
I was setting up some new accounts and making notes in a new secure note when I got a call for some desktop support for one of my users. So, I remoted into their machine to deal with the situation. During this time, 1Password "locked" itself (as I hadn't used it in 5 minutes or so). Once I dealt with the support issue, I returned to 1Password, unlocked it, and now the note I was taking, because I hadn't hit "save" are all gone. I've tested this issue a couple times after that and it happens each time.
So, was hoping, in a future update, that you could incorporate an auto-save feature on active notes when 1Password times-out and locks itself. This would eliminate the loss of data.
Hi Kristin ( @theboyk ),
I'm so sorry to hear that you lost the notes you were working on - I can imagine how frustrating this would be!
This is a Known Issue, and our developers are working on a solution. I've added a vote to the issue to ensure they know that we think it's pretty necessary :)
We very much appreciate your patience here, and again, I apologize for the trouble.