Feature: Sections and Custom Fields for Secure Notes
I absolutely love the way e.g. password items can now have different sections with custom fields of either text or password type. Excellent feature!
Would it be possible to add this feature to secure notes as well? I'm having secure notes for servers I maintain which contain loads of passwords (e.g. for shell and database logins). Neither a password item nor a login item quite fit this purpose since none of the information is used for submitting a web form.
Thanks for considering this!
Hi @svoop,
Thanks so much for the kind words - I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying 1Password so far!
You're certainly not the first person to want a bit more variety and options within Secure Notes, I'd be happy to add your vote to the feature request.
However, you mention that you're currently storing server information inside Secure Notes. It might interest you to know that 1Password already has a handy 'Server' category :) Just click on the '+' icon beside the search field in the top menu bar to see all your available item types (or use ⌘N)
I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any further questions!