1Password INTO Keychain?
I'm sure your sick of this question, but I've searched and found solutions the other way around, but not for what I'm looking for. I've been a user os 1Password for many years, and have hundreds of items saved. I want to be able to export this list and import it into Keychain, so they are the same. From what I understand, Apple has not opened up the API for this to take place, but is there any sort of un-official work around?
Hi, @Daremo.
Right now I'm not aware of any workaround to "batch import" Login data from 1Password into Apple/iCloud Keychain. There's still no API for it, like you mentioned. You can let Safari save a new password when prompted after filling with 1Password and submitting, e.g.:
Of course that's only one item at a time, and the method I'm still using.