Facilitate credit card changes: suggestion for future versions

Community Member

A suggestion for the future: My credit card has just expired/renewed,
and I am engaged in the extremely tedious and prolonged process of going
to each and every vendor website that charges this credit card and
putting in the new expiration date. 1Password helps make this faster,
but still not fast enough. Is there any way of including a feature in
the next version of 1Password that will automatically update expiration
dates in these websites?

[This would also be valuable if the credit card information needs to be changed due to theft/fraud.]


  • Hi @FEDMEF,

    Every website handles changing a credit card expiry date in a completely different way. There is no standard method, so it would be nearly impossible to make a feature like that work.

    Community Member

    Acknowledged, Jasper. But you correctly write: "...nearly impossible", which is different from "impossible". If they could figure out a way, it would be great. Let's not dissuade them from trying.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @FEDMEF,

    I was having a crippling case of deja vu before I realized that I had already responded to your original post on this topic here.

    As @JasperP points out, this would be quite tricky to implement. Now our developers love a good challenge, but there are also practicality and time constraints to consider. Ours is a small team, and it seems that we are never quite big enough to implement all of the crazy awesome ideas that we have. While we never say never ... this is certainly not a feature to hold your breath waiting for. ;)

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