Enhancement: prevent filling in too many fields
I've had 1Password obliterate long forms I've filled out because I accidentally hit Command-. The plugin should assume it doesn't have to enter any credential field more than once. But it'll merrily enter them into dozens of fields on a page.
It should first count how many fields it might fill, and if it's more than one per credential component, throw up a warning first. It should also support undoing of anything it entered.
I'm sorry for the trouble @JetForMe. You're absolutely right, filling all fields can cause problems exactly like what you described.
In version 4.2 of the browser extension we have made changes to prevent this from happening. I'm not sure when this will be published as an official release but I'd guess sometime in March; hopefully sooner. If you'd like to try the beta, you can find it by clicking the "I'm feeling adventurous" checkbox on the extension install page.
Thanks again for the report!