Cannot Sign Into Account with no Data
I just purchases 4.1.2 from iStore and set a sign in password (and wrote it down). But I cannot sign into my account - I must have written the sign in password wrong. How can I restart the program so I can set up accounts, etc.? I had not entered any information. Thanks for ideas.
Hi @Robert Hamilton,
I'm sorry you're having trouble getting into 1Password 4 with your Master Password. Fortunately you don't have any information to lose by starting over again. This guide has instructions for doing that:
You'll be renaming the data folder for the Mac App Store version, then 1Password 4 will create a new one.
If you'd like more information about creating a strong, memorable Master Password please refer to Jeff's article here:
Toward Better Master Passwords | Agile Blog
Let us know if we can help you more with this or anything else. Thanks!