How do I recover my 1Password data?
My MacBook with 1password3 died. I have a time machine backup of that computer on an external hard drive. I bought an iMac and installed 1password4. Does anyone know if I can recover my1password data in time machine on the external hard drive to the iMac. Detailed, step by step, instructions would be appreciated!
Hi @spass1,
I'm really sorry to hear about your MacBook dying and am happy you've got a Time Machine backup to restore your 1Password data from.
To help you get that data restored more quickly please send us a Diagnostics Report from your new iMac, along with a link to this topic, to support+forum at agilebits dot com. A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful.
Once we see the report we can provide you with those detailed, step-by-step instructions you'd appreciate. :)
Thanks in advance!