iCloud sync requires 'Fix' after updating to 1Password 4.2
I'm having the same issue. I just updated to 4.2, and when I did, a saw a notice pop up that syncing with iCloud had been deactivated (or something to that effect). So, I went into preferences > syncing and clicked iCloud to resync. A popup asked for my master password for existing data in iCloud. Apparently I didn't make a note of that password, and my password hint's not helping me : | Is there a way to reset that password?
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Hi @sky19ers,
I split your comment into its own thread here because you are talking about 1Password 4 for Mac and the previous thread was dealing with iOS. This will keep things a bit more organized. :)
Now, if your database is up to date in 1Password on your Mac, we can simply remove that extraneous iCloud data:
- open a Finder Window and select Go > Go to Folder.
In the window that opens copy and paste the following path:
~/Library/Mobile Documents/2BUA8C4S2C~com~agilebits~onepassword
Be sure to copy the whole path, including the space in the middle.
- Press the Go button to go to that folder.
- Delete the '2BUA8C4S2C~com~agilebits~onepassword' folder.
- Restart your computer.
Now when you open 1Password you should be able to sync your local database to iCloud without being asked for your Master Password. :)