Not syncing on two computers using Dropbox [resolved]
I added a new login to one of my two vaults on my work computer (iMac), however, this new login doesn't appear on my primary computer (MacBook Pro). I'm using FireFox as my browser. Why did 1Password stop syncing properly via DropBox between the two computers and how can I fix this without losing my new logins?
Please let me know if I can provide additional information to troubleshoot this problem.
Hi @pika,
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble keeping things synced up with Dropbox lately. I will, however, need a bit more information to get this sorted out. What version of 1Password do you currently have installed on your computers? Are you using 1Password on any other devices? (If so, I'd love the version numbers of those as well.)
I think I have an idea of what's going on here, but I just want to be sure I'm right before giving you the instructions to fix it. :)
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Hi: I'm using 1Password on an iMac and MacBook Pro and have two vaults. The version on both computers is 4.2.2 (422001).
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Hi @pika,
Thanks for getting back to me with that information. Let's reset Dropbox sync to see if that gets it working:
- On both Macs, open 1Password 4 for Mac, and click the 1Password menu, then Preferences. Click Sync, and click Change syncing.
Check the box to remove the data from Dropbox and confirm that you want to disable sync.
Reboot the Macs.
Check your Dropbox folder and delete any other 1Password folders or files that the remove data checkbox did not take care of.
On one Mac, go back to the Sync preferences, and click Dropbox. Click Choose vault, then navigate to your Dropbox folder and select Open. This will regenerate a 1Password folder in Dropbox, and that will contain a new 1Password.agilekeychain file.
Allow Dropbox to fully sync.
Open 1Password on the other Mac and re-enable Dropbox sync there as well. That should get everything on the same page for sure.
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Regarding bullet point #4: If I remove all the 1Password folders/files in DropBox doesn't that delete all my password information?
Also, I have two vaults: I want two vaults on my primary computer and want to share one vault with my secondary computer. Thanks.
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Your data are backed up locally automatically, every day, I think. So if you delete the file in the Dropbox folder, 1Password will recreate one when it finds that there isn't one already. Your local backups ( just found that I have 30 of them!) are in your Library under Application Support in the backups folder for 1Password 4.
I don't use multiple vaults, so I can't answer your second point.
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Hi @pika,
If I remove all the 1Password folders/files in DropBox doesn't that delete all my password information?
1Password 4 stores all of your 1Password data, for every vault, in a local database. When you disable Dropbox syncing for a vault and remove the 1Password data in Dropbox, only the copy in Dropbox is removed. All of your data in the vault it was syncing with will still be available in 1Password.
I want two vaults on my primary computer and want to share one vault with my secondary computer.
These guides can help you with that:
How to share a non-primary vault
If you've got any questions about multiple vaults and/or sharing them, or run into any issues, we're here to answer and help, too. :)
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Hi: I went through the steps above in the bullet list and removed my 1Password files and folders from DropBox. Now, computer 2 has two vaults that have the correct information. However, computer 1 has two vaults but the vaults contain "identical" information and is therefore missing information.
I want to have computer 1 contain the two vaults with the correct information and then share only one of the vaults with computer 2.
Can you provide instructions on how I can first get the two unique vaults in 1Password on computer 1? I can then follow your instructions above on sharing a vault. I hope this makes sense. Thanks!
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Hi @pika,
Thanks for the followup. Here are a few questions to make sure we're on the same page about where you're at now and what to do next:
Are you using the same Dropbox account on both Macs? And is syncing currently disabled for all vaults in 1Password on both?
Is this accurate?
- For Mac1, a secondary vault contains a redundant copy of all 1Password data currently in the Primary vault that you want to keep.
- For Mac2, the Primary and a secondary vault each contain the correct 1Password data.
I want to have computer 1 contain the two vaults with the correct information and then share only one of the vaults with computer 2.
Can you provide instructions on how I can first get the two unique vaults in 1Password on computer 1?
Do you want the Primary and secondary vaults on Mac1 to contain the same data currently in those vaults on Mac2? It sounds like the secondary vault on Mac1 can simply be deleted after you're sure there's no data in it that you need. I'm not sure about what you'd like to do with existing data in Mac1's Primary vault if it's different than what's in either of Mac2's vaults. And is the data that you want to be in Mac1's secondary vault coming from either of Mac2's vaults?
Once it's clear which data you want in each vault it should be easy enough to get it there. :)
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Ok...I got it figured out by trying a few things above. Thanks for your help!