Very annoying "You are using the latest version, thank you" message once every day.
I am on the German version of the Agilebits website version of 1P, not the MAS version. Since the upgrade to 4.2.2 I get a very annoying message every day, see headline. (The actual message might be different, since the above is my translation).
In the Mac Dock there appears an icon like "1Password Updater" which generates the message that must be actively clicked away.
Please advise.
Regards Jochen
Hi Jochen ( @jochenneese ),
I'm sorry the 1Password Updater keeps pestering you to update. Do you have Include beta builds disabled in the Updates tab of the Preferences window?
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Hi sjk,
thanks for the swift reply. My prefs window looks exactly like the one you posted, so looking for beta builds is unchecked already. The problem must lie somewhere else.
BTW: 1P does not pester me to update, it instead keeps telling me everything is alright and that I have the latest version already in place. But that happens once a day, forcing me to click OK, including the "nervous" jumping icon in my dock...
Regards Jochen
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Hi Jochen ( @jochenneese ),
Ahh, it's just pestering you that 1Password 4 is already up to date. Sorry for not getting the right the first time. :)
We do have other reports of that happening and I've added yours to the bug in our tracker.
Have you restarted your Mac since this started happening after the 4.2.2 update? If you've done that and it hasn't helped please try manually downloading and reinstalling 4.2.2.
I hope that'll stop 1Password Updater from unnecessarily bothering you daily.
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HI sjk,
to be honest I have always hated hints like "Please restart your machine", because in most cases this is a standard procedure that just doesn't help, but often is the last resort if support personnel does not know a solution. (Please, this is no offense to you, you are actively helping, it is just a matter a "bad experience"...)
Even though restarting is annoying too (I restart my Macbook maybe once a month, sometimes even less often; the rest is sleep mode) I'll try this. I'll let you know if it helped.
Regards Jochen
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Hi Jochen ( @jochenneese ),
I'm the same as you - my MacBook essentially lives on sleeping until one of my apps gets cranky and demands a restart. And I hate to admit it, but things do seem to run more smoothly after the restart. So I guess some programs (our operating systems included) just need a fresh start every once in a while. :)
I hope this gets you all sorted out, but we'll investigate further if this kickstart doesn't work.
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Hi Jochen,
In my Unix sysadmin days, "restart system" and "reinstall app" were at the bottom of the list of things to do to resolve issues. Never my favorite suggestions to offer, although (unfortunately?) they do seem to have become increasingly effective with OS X. :O