Password generator: need more than 30 characters [added in 4.4.1: mini generates up to 50 char]

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

Hi there, for some circumstances i need more than 30 characters - for example my wlan. The maximum password length for the pre shared key of wpa2 is 63; so i need to generate this password.

Is there actually a way to generate passwords longer than 30 characters with 1P4?
If it isn't, do you plan to implement this "feature". I think this is interesting for many other users.

Thanks in advance.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    You might find Jeff's blog article "How long should my passwords be?" interesting.

    Edit: sorry, I know it doesn't answer your specific question directly, but it's still relevant!


  • Hi @Zottelzossen,

    The 30-char limit is only in the 1Password mini as it is 50 in the main app. We do plan to expand it in the 1Password mini in a future update.

    For now, what you can do is create a new Router item in the 1Password app instead of the 1Password mini, use its generator to generate a 50-char password, and then copy it before generating a new 13-char password. Now, you can paste in your 50-char password to save it as a 63-char password.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Fine, thanks for the improvement. Kind regards. ZZ

  • You're welcome! :)

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