Bug in 1Password security setting? [No, OS X security settings != 1Password security settings]
I have “Lock when screensaver i activated” checked in 1password. But… In the MAC Book pro (retina mac 2013 with latest Maverick + updates) the energy saver is set to blank the screen after one minute while on battery. BUT…. under “security and privacy” settings General tab, the computer has “Require password 5 minutes after sleep or screensaver begins”.
The problem is that 1password locks after one minute instead of five. Is 1password using the wrong values in the mac? I think one password should lock when the screen saver kicks in as the 1password settings says. But it kicks in after the screen has been blank by the energy saver. If I after 1 minute do something so the blank screen disappears, I have no screensaver on with any lock as this kicks in after 5 minutes.
1password locks when the screen has been blank by the energy saver. It does not seem to care about the screen saver…. So the 1password setting is miss leading.
Or am I missing something?
Hi @pos,
1Password is not following any OS X settings, all of its settings are in the 1Password Preferences, and it is not affected by any other external settings.
By checking the Lock when screensaver is activated, you're telling 1Password to lock any time your screen goes into a screen-saving mode without any delays. Blanking the screen is the same as starting the screen saver as well.
The Require password 5 minutes after sleep or screensaver begins part is for the OS X's administrator password prompt, it is not related to 1Password in any way. Basically, what this means is that when your screensaver has been running for 5 minutes, OS X must then lock the computer, and prompt you to unlock when you turn the screen on.
This isn't a bug, it's working as intended because your OS X's security settings are not the same as 1Password's security settings.
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Ahhh! That makes it much clearer.
Thank you