idea for 1Password over Dropbox

Community Member

I wasn't sure which forum might be appropriate but thought this might be a good place to start. I have started to use 1Password more and more. Occasionally, I will access it through the Web interface via Dropbox. Would it be possible to add an additional layer of security here, perhaps enforcing the use of a pin number or pattern entered in by drawing it with the cursor? I think INGDirect made use of this quite a while ago.
Basically, you would use the cursor to enter in a pattern or pin number so that a keylogger wouldn't be able to capture this part of the login process thus adding an additional layer of security. I trust my laptop and phone, but what if I were to access my 1Password via Dropbox on another computer? Just wanted to throw this out there!


  • Hi @rivimont,

    When you connect to some service, like ING Direct, you have to prove that you really have the rights to log in as you. That process is called “authentication”. It is the process of proving to the ING Direct servers that you are really you. Normally this is done by entering a username and password, but two-step verification could also be implemented (such as drawing a pattern).

    However, using 1Password or 1PasswordAnywhere does not involve an authentication process. When you're unlocking your 1Password data, you are already in control on the encrypted data file. When you enter your master password, you are decrypting your data. Since 1PasswordAnywhere is decrypting your 1Password data, and not authenticating against some service, it's not possible to use traditional two-step authentication. Just like when using the 1Password app, your only need your master password to decrypt your data file.

    But, remember that you first need to login to Dropbox before you can access 1PasswordAnywhere. And, you could enable Dropbox's two-step verification if you wish.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. :)

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