Unable to choose which account to log into

Community Member

I have multiple accounts stored for Google. When I go to Gmail.com and I press cmd + \, I would like to have the option of choosing which account to log into, but instead it automatically logs into the first account ( http://imgur.com/i00Zpl2.png ). I would really appreciate it if somebody could let me know how to fix this. Thanks very much in advance!


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    You could press cmd-opt-\ which opens 1PW mini and should show your gmail accounts. Then move down to the right one.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @parekh,

    What you are seeing here is the result of a new feature in 1Password 4 called 'precise domain matching'. In earlier versions of 1Password 4, the Mini would sort based only on the main domain of a URL. For users who might have many Logins for a single domain but on different subdomains, this caused a lot of frustration. As an example, I have 6 different Logins that fall under 'agilebits.com': discussions.agilebits and blog.agilebits to name a few. Whenever I would open 1Password Mini on any of these sites, all 6 Logins would show.

    Now, 1Password 4 has the ability to sort by subdomain as well, meaning that when I go to our discussion page, I only see my discussions Login instead of the 5 others that I cannot use here.

    Please check the URLs that are saved for your Gmail accounts and match them to the URL that you are visiting - odds are one of them is a precise match, and the lenient matches (which match the domain only) are hidden behind that 'Show 5 more' option.

    We think that this behaviour is a lot more efficient and user-friendly, but if you prefer to have 1Password match based solely on the main domain, you can have the old behaviour back by going to Preferences > Browser and selecting 'Lenient URL Matching'.

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions or concerns! :)

  • parekh
    Community Member

    Hi @Megan‌ -- Thank you very much for your detailed response. That certainly answers my question, and I have no further questions. It works just as you described!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @parekh‌

    I'm so glad I could answer your questions - thanks for letting me know that things are working for you! :)

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