Edit login into categories

Community Member

Perhaps I am overlooking the obvious, but after I have created a new login (eg. with 1P-mini) I would like to add other information to it - eg. a category, folder or tag . How? I have tried drag and drop - doesn't work, "+" from a category - just creates a new generic entry. What else is there?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I hope this little explanation helps, but apologies if I've misunderstood anything:

    1. You can't currently move an item from one category (e.g., logins) to another (e.g., credit cards). That is because the fields in each category are quite different.
    2. You add a tag by editing an item and starting to type the name of the tag in the appropriate field. The name should auto-complete if the tag already exists. If the tag doesn't exist it will be created. Note you can also add tags by dragging and dropping the item (or multiple selected items) on to the tag name in the left panel.
    3. You should be able to drag and drop items, in a similar way, I think, into folders you have created. (I don't use folders, other than smart folders.)


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