Same URL with multiple logins
Can 1Password 4 for Mac stores multiple password with same URL and I can select which login info myself?
For example, I have four gmail accounts. What I do now is created four different logins and when time go by, the numbers of my logins grew bigger and bigger and it's hard for me to organize it.
I am wondering if 1Password 4 has the ability to have just one login name but have multiple uswernames and password?
I think I'm at 6 Google accounts right now, so I can understand your situation here!
At this time it is not quite possible to do as you suggest here. It is possible to store extra information inside an existing Login (using custom fields), and these fields will be easily accessible with a one-click copy, but custom fields will not fill automatically the way the username and password fields at the top of the entry will.
Creating separate Logins for each account is probably the simplest workflow, as you can give them each a unique name so they are easy to locate.
I'm sorry that I don't have a perfect answer for you here, but I hope this helps!
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Creating separate Logins for each account is probably the simplest workflow, as you can give them each a unique name so they are easy to locate.
That's what I do with my Google login records.
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I have a different login for each email, e.g. google:x and google:y - however it is annoying in the helper that my favorited login is "below the fold" and I need to click on the "show more..." to get to it. It would be great if favorited entries from the same website were on top. Thanks AgileBits!
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@eyeojo - I have marked the Gmail login that I use the most as a favorite by clicking the star in the record itself (it turns yellow), and that record does show at the top of the list in mini when I press Cmd+\ to submit key credentials. The other accounts are below that one, even though it's name is not now in alphabetical order. The same is true if I click the icon in web browser instead.
Here is a screen capture from mini. Note the yellow icon in the lower right corner of the top entry on the list. (You'll have to take my word that the order isn't alphabetic.)
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Hi @eyeojo,
however it is annoying in the helper that my favorited login is "below the fold" and I need to click on the "show more..." to get to it.
I do apologize for the frustration here. This sounds like a case of Precise Domain Matching - a feature that was added in version 4.2. Prior to this, 1Password would match Logins based on the domain only, so when I would go to
(for example), 1Password would show me all of my AgileBits Logins. This was inconvenient for many users who had many logins for a single domain. So precise domain matching was introduced to allow 1Password to match based on the entire URL.Take a peek at the URLs of your various Google Logins. I'm guessing that the URLs are slightly different, leading one or two to be a 'precise' match, and thus above the fold, and your Favourite is not a precise match (which is why it's hiding behind that 'Show more' option.)
If you would rather have 1Password behave as it did previously and match only based on the main domain, you can select 'Lenient URL Matching' in Preferences > Browser.
We have heard the feature request to ensure that Favourites are at the top of the list, regardless of precise/lenient matching, and I'd be happy to add your vote to the the request in our internal tracker.
I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions!
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I am learning my way around a trial version of 1P and am having trouble accessing multiple yahoo email accounts. Things were going fine for a few days, but now the two logins get mixed up with each other—if I log in in with user “X” it often logs in as “Y” I have tried deleting both email account logins and recreating the logins, using the “New Login” option. I am getting the same mixed up results on multiple computers, both Windows and Mac. Any idea what I need to do?
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Hi @junkleeeenmi,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble. I'm sure we can get things working well for you. :)
Let's try this:
Rename your existing Login items so you know they are the older ones. For example, if you have two Login items "Yahoo - X" and "Yahoo - Y", rename them to "Yahoo - X OLD" and "Yahoo - Y OLD", so you can keep track of them.
Save a new Login item in the browser for your first Yahoo account by following these steps:
Be sure to give it a unique name in step 4 there, so you know which account it is for.
Use that Login item you just saved to log in to Yahoo to verify that it works correctly.
If you have any trouble at this point, you can stop here and let me know. There's no need to go any further if you have trouble with the first Login. Let's take it one step at a time.
If the first Login item works well, log out of Yahoo and repeat steps 2 and 3 for your other Yahoo account.
Continue to repeat steps 2 and 3 for as many Yahoo accounts as you have.
Once you have verified that the new Login items work, feel free to move the old ones you renamed in step 1 to the trash.
Let me know how it goes.