1Password for Chrome does not log me in automatically even if auto login checkbox is selected SOLVED
EDIT: I didn´t see this post before posting here: http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/25491/auto-submit-not-working-in-mac-app-store-version-of-1password-after-4-2-extension-update#latest
So a moderator can delete this thread. :-)
I am using Chrome and I have an issue with my 1Password plugin for Chrome that I have used for some months. Since 2 or 3 days ago, 1Password does no more auto submit the credentials when the login fields are filled, I always must press the Login button. This is for all pages I have logins on. I have tried with restarting the browser and the whole computer, but without success.
When I enter the Settings dialog, the checkbox "Log me in automatically" is checked. What else can I try to get it to work?
By the way, the purchase of 1Password might be my best buy for 2014. :-)
I'm glad you were able to find the solution! :)
I'll close this discussion instead of deleting it, in case it helps someone else find the solution.