Previous Passwords, Retained Forever?
Background: I change my passwords daily using passwords generated via an external randomizer whose code I can see and whose functionality I trust. This pedantic habit was established long ago in an environment that required such practices.
Now that Google supports passwords consisting of 100 characters/numbers/symbols, retaining previous passwords is beginning to require much more space.
Is there a limit as to how many previous passwords are retained? If so, what is the limit? Can it be adjusted by me? If not, can it be in the future?
At the moment it isn't possible to delete previously used passwords one or several at a time. The developers have said that making this possible is on their to-do list, but I don't know where it is among their priorities.
In the meantime, the workaround is to duplicate your existing record, then delete the older one and keep the new duplicate, That wipes out the password history completely, though. So that may or may not be an option for you.
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I appreciate the feedback. Also thanks to the developers. I suspect that both moderators and developers deserve much more thanks than they receive, so you have it from me today.
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You're most welcome, @rhp, on behalf of @hawkmoth and everyone else who I'm sure appreciates your kind words of thanks. :)
I've included your comments/questions about previously used passwords with a related request in our tracker. At the moment, they're treated as a read-only history that can only be fully removed by duplicating the item (like @hawkmoth mentioned). Thanks for your interest in improving how they can be handled!