Feature request: Terminal.app support

Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson
Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

In my mind's eye, the feature would work as follows:

  1. I'm in a terminal and I need a password (maybe for MySQL, or SSH, or whatever).
  2. I press Cmd+\
  3. The 1Password dialog pops out of the menu bar like it does for browsers
  4. I search for the password I want in the search box that already exists
  5. After selecting the password, I press enter
  6. The password is "typed" into the terminal window I started at


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks so much for your feedback here. At this time it is not possible for 1Password to fill automatically in non-browser apps. This is largely because these apps have not provided the API to allow such a feature. (I'm not a developer myself, so I can't get much more technical than that without going cross-eyed.)

    However, what you suggest is nearly possible right now. Using ⌘\ will open Mini, even if no browser window is open. You can then search for your desired Login, navigate to the password field and hit 'Enter' to copy the password. Then it's a simple matter to paste it into the app.

    In any case, I'm happy to pass your request along to our developers, but I hope this makes your life a bit easier for now! :)

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