when I need password before booting completes
Every time I configure a new Mac, including creating a new bootable partition or a new bootable version of the OS installer, which I do with every increment of the Mac OS, I need to type in my Apple ID password before the computer is fully booted. This is part of Apple's setup and registration process. Although there is probably a way to skip it and come back later, it's easiest to type my password in when Apple wants it. However, I don't have access to 1Password, where my password is stored, until the process is complete.
I suspect there are other situations where someone might need a password when the computer is not fully booted, or is in the middle of some procedure or process which prevents accessing 1Password. What is a good approach or strategy for this situation?
You make a very interesting point and it's one I had not previously considered. However, in my case, I have copies of my vault on iOS devices (phone and iPad) and can recover, with a little manual labour and some careful reading, any required password from those.
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Another situation where a password is needed before 1Password can be accessed, is logging in to my computer. Each time I restart my computer, I need to type in a username and password to even get to the desktop. Up to now, I have just memorized this password. I would like to use longer and less memorable passwords, and that raises the same problem. How do I access a password that I can't remember easily, before I have access to 1Password? I can use a second device, such as my iPhone, as Stephen_C suggests. I'm still curious if there are other approaches or suggestions for this kind of situation. The promise of "you will only need to remember one password" doesn't seem to cover this kind of case, yet it isn't rare.
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There are about three or four passwords that I feel like I have to memorize outside of 1Password for the reasons you are describing. I personally can't see any way around that.
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Hi @Nekoninda
You're right there are cases where it might be handy to remember slightly more than just one password. For me, it's my Dropbox password (in case I do not have access to any of my devices and need to get at my password database) and my iTunes password, so that I can easily purchase more games. :) For these passwords, I use Diceware which helps to create strong passwords that are easier to remember and type. You can read all about the benefits of Diceware passwords in our blog post: Towards Better Master Passwords.