UI Problems creating new login

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

I apologize if this is a known bug, I glanced at them and didn't see anything related. Basically what happens is if you sign into a site that doesn't already have your login the UI that creates a new login is bugged.

  1. The name that is autofilled is filled(maybe?) in but not visible.
  2. If you try and expand the UI, the tag screen overlaps other parts of the UI
  3. When you expand it, THEN the autofilled name shows up.

Here's a video of what's happening

Mac OSX: 10.9.3
Chrome: 35.0.1916.153
1pass ext:
1pass app: 4.4.1 (441008)


  • msteudel
    Community Member

    Sorry I tried to format things, but it didn't save my line breaks ...

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2014

    Hi @msteudel,

    Thanks for reporting this problem with the 1Password Save Login window and creating the helpful video demo of its misbehavior. Is it similarly reproducible every time that window appears?

    Can you let me know if there's any difference after restarting 1Password mini and, if not, restarting your system? And have you adjusted system font settings using a utility like Onyx?

    P.S. I adjusted the formatting in your original post by adding an empty line before the bullet item list and adding two spaces after non-bulleted lines at the end so each would appear on a separate line. Fun with Markdown. :)

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