Trouble importing csv file from Moxier Wallet into 1Password 4

Community Member
edited July 2014 in Mac

I have a MacAir and a MacMini. Both have the latest software versions installed. I want to import my 459 items currently in Moxier Wallet into 1Password 4. There is no problem generating a cvs file from the Export function of Moxier Wallet. When I open the csv file, the information is all there. There are no blank lines. But when I go into the Import function of 1Password 4, the file title is grayed out. And even when I click on it (after making sure the file format is csv), nothing happens. Anywhere. What is the problem?


  • karen3b
    Community Member

    Update: Have tried Importing csv into Excel, Numbers, and other csv compatible programs and then re-save as a csv with no success. Also tried every csv import option available -- with no success. Tried to re-export out from Moxier Wallet and still no success. From 1Password 4, when Clicked on Import, no dialog box or menu appeared or let me know the status of my import -- it just defaulted back to normal page as if nothing had been attempted.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2014

    Hi @karen3b,

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble importing your CSV file into 1Password 4. This article has information about formatting the CSV data so it can be successfully imported:

    Importing data - Comma-separated values

    It describes the field (column) order for CSV data that the 1Password 4 CSV importer supports. For Login items, it's:


    In version 4.2, this was extended to:

    All labels for extra imported fields (beyond the built-in labels/fields) are fixed Field # names, appearing as custom fields under the Other Fields section of the item, e.g.:

    The CSV importer currently doesn't support including custom labels for those custom fields.

    It can be helpful to test importing starting with a small number of CSV records to verify the input is accepted and see what the imported items look like.

    I hope you can get it working now and be sure to let us know if you still need more help. Thanks!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited July 2014

    The Moxier "CSV" export is in UTF-16, and 1P4 wants UTF-8. Additionally, its CSV is problematic and Moxier's custom encoding is bizarre. The CSV has a variable number of columns, depending on record type (which is encoded in the row), it mangles some Unicode characters, does not properly quote double quotes or strings, and has its own bizarre form of encoding Newlines as \_newline. All of these problems would best be corrected in the CSV file before import.

    I don't know how many folks used Moxier, and since it has terminated service and downloads, the product is dead. So while I might be able to produce a converter for Moxier, how valuable would this be moving forward?

    @karen3b - what version are you running? The version I find on the Internet Archive was version 1.1.3.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MrC.

    Thanks so much for bringing up these issues with exported Moxier Wallet (now discontinued) CSV data that I wasn't aware of. It does sound like there can be a fair amount of post-export effort to adjust that data for importing with 1Password. And of course there's time and effort involved with writing a converter. An alternative for @karen3b might be to incrementally build up her 1Password database using autosave through the browser extension.

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