What is common practice?

Community Member

I'm a new user of 1 Password 4. In reviewing Auto-lock options in Security in Preferences, I'm trying to determine what might be the best settings for me. In the short time I've used the program, I find myself frequently having to type in my huge master password. For example, I might start the program, login to a particular website, do some work, walk away for a few minutes, and then when I try to login to a different website, I find out I have to re-enter my master password. I'm wondering if unchecking Lock on sleep, and Lock when screen saver is activated, and adjusting Lock after computer is idle to a longer period of time, would be a solution -- I'm in my home, so there's generally just me and my wife present. What is a common practice w/o typing that huge master password every time I want to login to a new website. Thanks for any suggestions.


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited August 2014

    For what it maybe worth, at home I have turned off lock on sleep and lock when screen saver activates. I also have a relatively long time interval set before it locks automatically - something like 120 minutes. I don't worry much about being robbed while I'm at the computer during the day. But I also have my computer set to shut down completely each day after an automatic Carbon Copy Cloner backup. I do have to reenter the master password for sure when I restart it the next day.

    Those are my practices. Whether those work for you out not might depend on your level of confidence about the physical security of your system.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I use these settings as my machine is almost invariably used at home:


    I don't mind having to type my master password after my machine has slept and, like hawkmoth, I reboot every day.


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